Chapter 2 - 216, 219, and 237

Start from the beginning

"Use your power, 234." The robotic voice says. "Or 232 will have to go to the showers." Sho immediately bursts into flames. I screamed, but then realized he wasn't burning. And only his left side was on fire. Soon, the temperature in the room becomes normal. Denki and me stare at him before his flames recede. "234, again." Sho closes his eyes and falls forward.

I catch him and set him down on the soft carpet.

Tenya's head snaps toward the door as we hear another scream. Multiple screams as the child passes the hallway by the door. Sho shifts on the ground. "WHERE'S SHO!?!" We hear from outside the room. The screams get fainter and fainter until we can't hear them anymore.

Sho tries to sit up but Tenya stops him. "I need.. to get to Izuku.." He whispers.

"No, you need rest." Tenya says. Denki nods.

The door opens and four nurses come inside. "234." The nurse comes forward. Denki pulls Sho away from the nurse, but she pulls at his arm. Mistake. I think. Denki smiles, lets go of Sho, and covers himself with electricity. The nurse, who had no way of stopping the electricity, twitches violently and falls.

Another nurse comes forward quickly and grabs onto Sho. I tried to grab her, but one of the nurses held me down. I look, and I see the same happened with Tenya.

Then one nurse comes up to Denki, a syringe in hand. Denki backs away, but the nurse grabs onto his neck and injects him with it. Instantly, Denki stops moving. The electricity around him dissipates and he falls limp in the nurse's arm. The sadistic nurse smiles at me and picks the pikachu boy up. He blinks, a dazed look in his eyes, before closing them and falling asleep.

<^> Third Person POV:

After they were put in the cells, Ochako and Tenya tried desperately to wake Denki up. When they realized he wouldn't wake up until the sedative wore off, they both curled over their friend to sleep as well.

Meanwhile, Sho was set in his cell. Izuku was not there.

Izuku was in the showers. These weren't regular showers, they were small cement rooms. The ceiling was covered in holes, which when they were turned on, let out extremely high pressure water. Izuku was in the middle of one.

"232, use your power." A man says. Izuku was lying down on the cement floor, feeling the pressured water against his neck and back.

(GUYS HE'S NOT NAKED. He's wearing clothes, the water still hurts.)

Izuku curls into a ball and breathes a small burst of fire. He shivers, the cold water has already chilled his bones. The water shuts off, leaving Izuku to tremble on the ground.

A nurse comes in and puts a blanket around his newly bruised back, giving him a glass of warm milk. Izuku follows the nurse out, wet hair in his face, dripping water like a leaf after rain. He stares at his hair while making the connection.

He follows the nurse to a room with a medical decliner chair. Nurse gestures to the chair, and Izuku goes and sits. A doctor comes in as the nurse leaves, and sits next to the greenette.

"So," The doctor starts, and brings a machine out of the wall. It looks like a standard eye doctor check thing, but was a little different. "I'm going to check your eyes, make sure you don't have any damage." He pulls the machine over to Izuku. "Put your head there." The doctor points to a spot, and Izuku complies.

The doctor presses a button and a bright light flashes in Izuku's eyes. He pulls back, but the doctor presses him forward again.

More flashing light, and Izuku's head starts hurting. Then the doctor takes the machine away from Izuku. As the doctor writes something down, Izuku blinks his eyes. Everything was very blurry.

Without warning, the doctor injects Izuku with something. "What was that?" The boy whispers.

He got his answer when his entire body stiffens. Izuku started to freak out when he realized he couldn't move, or talk, or even blink. The doctor pulls a few knives, a needle and thread, and some gauze.

Izuku started to scream internally. He felt the scream build up in his throat, but it wouldn't come out. The doctor came back over. He pressed the knife to Izuku's cheek, drawing blood. Izuku couldn't move. The doctor cut his other cheek, and tears formed in Izuku's eyes.


When the doctor left, there were small cuts all over Izuku. He had been bandaged a little, his neck and a bit on his head. There was enough blood on his face and hair to make him unrecognizable. He was unconscious when the nurse came back. The nurse had brought a stretcher and placed the bloody boy on it.

When she left the room, she walked through the halls past more rooms/cells.

She got to Izuku's cell/room, opened the door, and dumped the bloody boy unceremoniously on the ground. Sho scrambles toward the boy and hugs him. Izuku whimpers and hugs back.

<^> To Be Continued

(1.4 words)

HEHEHE Introducing characters is hard.

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