Be Mine

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Sophie sat under Calla's tree in her pajamas cuddling the twin alicorns. The sun was setting behind the cliff at just the right moment. Rays of golden light beamed out from the jutted rocks casting shadows in the soft Havenfield grass.

She'd been sitting there for a few hours now. Long enough that her legs were asleep under one of the twin's heavy heads. 

It wasn't the most common thing to do on Valentine's day. Most of her friends were out with their significant others, or even having group dates like Tam, Biana, Linh, and Wylie. Sophie didn't mind the quiet though. It was the first time she'd rested for more than a few hours in a long time. Biana had begged Sophie to come with, but there was no way on earth she was going to fifth wheel. And when Biana had started to bring up inviting a date, the look Sophie gave her shut her up pretty quick.

In all honesty, she wouldn't have minded going with one person. But she wasn't anywhere near close in asking said person. Besides, he would've felt her nervousness a mile away and would have teased her for the rest of her life. 

Sophie swore he could feel her emotions through telepathy at this point.

you rang?

It took Sophie a total of five seconds to realize she had transmitted to Keefe without even knowing. Shoot. Shoot. SHOOT.

Uhh- Sorry my bad. Ignore that. I was just testing something... seems like it worked! That's all. Bye.

"You're a horrible liar you know."

Sophie whipped around and was greeted with a smirking elf leaning against her tree. His ice blue eyes shined in the setting sun. 

"You- What- Keefe what are you doing here?" Sophie tried to stand up, but was still pinned down by an alicorn causing her to make a loud 'OOMPH' sound. As if this couldn't get more embarrassing. 

"Well, I was already on my way over when you decided to do your little telepathy test on me." He was fiddling with a blade of grass in between his fingers. He dropped the blade of grass and made his way over, sitting right down next to Sophie, their legs almost touching. 

Sophie started to panic and tried to hide it, which was a stupid idea considering the empath that knew her best, and was incredibly powerful with his talents, was sitting right next to her.

"I'm getting a lot of emotions from you right now Foster. Wanna tell me what's up? Or would you rather I find out on my own? Because it doesn't take much to-" 

Sophie flinched as he brought his hand close to hers. Keefe quietly moved his hand back in place and looked off into the distance. His smirk was no longer there. Sophie knew she probably upset him and had to make things right. But the one problem was she didn't know how. 

"I'll leave you alone. I must have misread the situation, sorry." Keefe started to stand up and Sophie started to panic again. 

"No, wait-" she grabbed his arm keeping him from standing up. She knew the moment he turned to look back at her all of her emotions had flooded into him. 

"I- I want you to stay. I didn't- I don't know how to tell you this exactly. I'm not even sure if I'm ready to tell you yet. But I want you to stay."

Keefe scooted closer to her and moved his arm to interlock his hand with hers. 

"No need to rush, Foster. I may be handsome and charming and have all the ladies swooning over me, but I'll be here waiting for you. Whenever you're ready."

Sophie didn't know how to respond, so she laid her head on his shoulder instead and watched as the night sky began to shine with stars. 

Going out for Valentines is overrated anyways.

 Yo yo! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed ;3

I need some one shot ideas.. so if you have any you'd like to see.. —>

QOTD: Do you like staying indoors or going out for valentines?? 

Lots of Love, Madi Rose :3

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