Chapter 20

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It wasn't very wise of me to go walking through the woods alone. Especially when there's a monster on the loose, but after that whole fiasco at the outreach day ceremony, I decided to clear my head. Well that and the very fact I'd predicted the death of the mayor, unfortunately it wasn't a death that could be prevented. I wish that it were the case.

Normally I'd find peace being around nature, given its one of my abilities however that was the case at first. Until I heard the loud growling coming from behind me, and I hadn't even had to turn around to decipher what it could've been.

Needless to say that even after a quick look over my shoulder to confirm, I took off rushing down the path. It was just like my Virtual reality vision. Only it was all real this time.

It was normal to stare death in the face, but it was usually the death of others and never my own. And even though I knew I wasn't destined to die right this moment, I continued running for my life. As the thing kept up pursuit, and it was incredibly fast.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I tried knocking trees over as a way to deter it from getting me. Which didn't seem to work that much as it caught up to me. I was now cornered with my back against a tree, knowing the school wasn't far away, as I could see it just in the distance.

My eyes squinted shut as the monster advanced, and soon the sound of tearing flesh filled the forest. Then the unbearable pain surged through me, luckily it looked like the claws hadn't gone too deep, but enough to provide ample pain as well as blood loss.

As I collapsed onto the leaf cluttered ground with a grunt. I'd looked up to see the monster back away slightly, almost ready to attack again, but then it had started shifting into a human. Making my eyes go wide at seeing who it really was beneath the death and chaos.

It was a boy, who passed out naked on the dirt. Covered in my blood, probably thinking everything went well, as I used what ounce of strength I had to stand back up. Using the trunk of the tree as support, and I glanced down at the boy in horror. As lying at my feet was the unconscious, naked bloody body of Tyler. That's right, the sheriff's own son was this monster.

Despite how nice he'd been to me, ever since I'd gotten here. I now had no ounce of sympathy towards him and with a betrayed look I shuffled back to the school. Which took about half an hour before finally getting there. Not wanting to explain what happened to the girls in my dorm hall. Who would definitely bombard me with questions, I went to the person I trusted most.

His eyes widened at seeing my bloody state when he opened his dorm room door. Panic filled his eyes as he gently brought me into the room and over to the washroom. I had began explaining before he even had time to ask the question.

"I was just walking through the woods when the monster came out of nowhere and chased me. Since it's fast, and incredibly smart I got cornered and it attacked. As it was about to attack again, it turned into a person," I explained as best as I could, now that the adrenaline was wearing off. My voice was a panic mess as tears rolled down my face.

He took a warm cloth and was washing the dried blood off my skin. Looking at the slash marks, I didn't need stitches and luckily I heal faster than normies. Which was a plus to this whole thing, but that's besides the point. He whispered soothing things to me, trying to calm me down as he placed gauze over the wound to protect it. Which left me sitting on the sink, in my sports bra since he had taken my shirt off for a better look.

"The monster is human, so it's like a werewolf but can transform on its own free will," Xavier says looking at me with concerning eyes, pulling me into a hug. His arms wrapping around my head as I cried into his chest. He placed a kiss on top of my head.

"It's Tyler," I mumbled into his chest but I knew he'd heard me as his body stiffened. I could hear his heart picking up speed as anger took over, but he tried his best to control it.

"You mean to tell me that asshole has been the monster the whole time. He killed alot of people, one was my roommate. He killed a little girl," he states holding me at arms length and now it was my turn to calm him down from freaking out. Even though he had every right to do so.

"Hey babe, there's nothing we can do yet to prove it. Even if we were to come forth it would be his word against mine. And we both know the sheriff would take his side," I say placing my hands on his cheeks, which was easier as I was sat on the sink.

"I guess you're right love. Who's going to believe two outcasts in a town where normies are superior. Despite our connections to the damn thing. I mean we starting dreaming about it at the same time," he states with a heavy sigh, frustrated by the whole thing. Especially since he ever really liked Tyler to begin with, and it wouldn't be wise to tell Wednesday about it, considering we wouldn't know what she would do with said information.

"This is a real clusterfuck, but it's best to try forgetting about it for now, until we have proof. With family day and the Rave'N coming up, there's lots of ways to distract us for now," I replied finally standing up, grunting at the pain in my stomach. I'd rather be on my period right now than deal with it, but hopefully it'll heal soon.

He asked me to stay with him, not wanting to alone after everything. Well that and he wanted to make sure I was safe, and couldn't do that had I left the dorm. I happily stayed, knowing Enid would cover for me if my absence was noticed by anyone.

We both went to sleep, weary about everything learnt today, but hopefully we could figure something out. And quick........

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