Chapter 11

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Something strange was happening with me, and it was extremely weird and freaking me out to say the least. It was like I was trapped in a vision, but when I walked about it was as if I was there. Not just seeing it from an overview perspective.

So I walked through the forest, but could only go so far given the fact I was actually in my room. I guess a better way of explaining would be like using a virtual reality set. Only I could touch things within the vision and actually feel it in my hand.

I came across yet another dead body but this time it's killer was still around. And I'm pretty sure it could see me.

"Adina what's wrong?" The worried voice of Xavier asked, and I could feel him grab my hand "Why are you staring with wide eyes at the wall?"

He wasn't with me in the vision but I could sense his presence in the back of my mind. I was on my way to meet him when this happened, he probably got worried and came to check on me. His presence was soothing but only for a few seconds.

I felt myself walking backwards as the creature made its way over to me. It was this strange looking thing, almost like a bug eyed werewolf. Yet it was still terrifying, and I stood there in fear as my back hit the wall, or a tree from my view.

Tears poured down my face, as I really thought I was about to die. It wasn't uncommon for banshees to predict their own deaths. I just hoped I'd live longer than this.

"I'm trapped in a vision, the monsters in front of me. I'm scared, it's about to kill me. It's like I'm really there in person but I can hear you," I say in a panic, my breathing picking up as the monster went to scratch me but I ducked.

"Calm down Dina, working yourself up will make it worse. Alright it can't hurt you, it's not really there and you're here with me. Focus on me," he replied and I felt him pick up my hand. Placing it over what I assumed to be his heart. I could feel it pulsing just under my finger tips.

With difficulty I closed my eyes, focusing on slowing down my breathing. Not wanting to hyperventilate. After a few seconds I began to smell his cologne, trying to drown out the monsters growls.

I dared myself to open my eyes, letting out a deep breath upon seeing his green eyes, and not the terrifying face of the monster. He pulled me into his arms, gently running his fingers through my hair as I started calming down.

"God that was horrible. Normally I just see things in an overview type way. But this time it was like I was actually in the future," I say after pulling away, he pressed a kiss to my forehead. Wiping away a stray tear with the pad of his thumb.

"I swear I won't let it hurt you," he reassured wrapping his arms around my waist. We stood in the silence for a few minutes, not really needing to say much.

"That's a blessing really. You're a blessing. I really appreciate it," I replied with a smile. I just felt so safe with him but it was honestly the best feeling ever.

"Hey I know it's a few months away but will you go with me to the Rave'N?" He asked looking down at me with a hopeful look.

"Is that Nevermore's version of formal?" I asked and he nodded "then I'd love to go with you," he showed his excitement by pulling me into a kiss.

"The theme is white, but at least we won't clash," he joked once pulling away and I smiled.

"This place is so Edgar Allan Poe curated it's great. 'Quoth the raven, nevermore" I giggled, there were statues of the man all over the school, and it was clearly named after him. Plus Enid was telling me about the Poe cup that was next month. Our dorm was thinking of basing our boat off the black cats. Not sure how I felt about the costume though. But at least it could be fun.

"Yeah plus the gargoyles really set the scene," he states with the smirk that I just adored. Now that I was finally feeling better we went off to do what we planned to do earlier. Before my weird time travel vision.


We were sitting on the bank of the lake, just enjoying the nice weather. A blanket was layed out and various snacks were carefully placed around a lovely basket.

"I'll have to admit this would be my first picnic," I say after taking a bite from my chocolate covered strawberry. They weren't too sour which was nice.

"Can't say I've ever been on one either. But it's nice, sharing a bunch of firsts with you," he replied taking jelly from the jar and proceeding to smear it all over my face. My jaw dropped and in retaliation I stuck a spoon in the peanut butter and copied his actions.

"Oh so this is how it's going to be," he says with a smirk, grabbing a strawberry and stuck it to my nose. He grabbed his phone taking a picture "that's now my lockscreen," he smirked giving off an evil laugh.

"Right," I state sticking a piece of banana to his and taking a picture as well. I would make it my lockscreen but I liked the one I had with Xavier, Enid, Ajax and I.

By now we were laughing, really enjoying the little things in life. He started leaning in for a kiss when we got drenched by lake water. Both of us gasped at the shock from the cold. It was fall season after all, last thing we needed was to get hypothermia.

Looking towards the direction it came we saw the smirking face of Bianca as she watched the scene from the comfort of the water. Leave it to her to take a nice moment and ruin it.

"Alright I've tried ignoring everything and being the better person. But I'm fucking tired of you treating me like shit, and for what. Because I like Xavier and am finally comfortable enough to open up to people, but you're making it every hard to enjoy my time here," I growled standing up, using my powers to create a whirlpool in the spot where she was. Of course being a siren she couldn't drown, but I'm far more powerful than she'll ever dream of.

What happened next was like something straight out of a Percy Jackson book. The anger fuled my strength as I waved my hands and parted the water. The scowl deepening on my face as I walked across the now bare rocks of the lake bottom.

"This is the last straw, one final warning that if you don't leave me alone I'm going to put you so far in your place you're gonna wish you hadn't pissed me off," I declared holding up a ball of fire to prove my point.

Normally I'm all about keeping peace but she's driven me over the edge. Because she wasn't in water anymore, her legs came back so we were standing face to face. By the look on her eyes I knew I'd won this debate, she was about to reach out to punch me when suddenly she became stone. The shock of it made me lose focus and I dropped the lake water now standing up to my waist in it.

Turning around I saw Enid standing next to Ajax, who was putting his beanie back on, covering up his snakes. Leave it to me to forget he was a Gorgon, luckily the effects were only temporary.

When I made my way back up the bank Xavier came over wrapping the blanket around me. Pulling me into a hug, a proud smile of his face.

"I'm sure I had that handled but thanks for the assist," I tell Ajax with a bright smile, in which he shrugged. Trying to play it cool.

"Well you're always going around defending us from hate, thought I'd be a good friend and return the favor," he admitted placing his hands in the pockets of his blazer.

"It's highly appreciated, I'm glad to finally have people to stick up for," I replied as Enid pulled me into a hug.

We then lugged the Bianca statue out of the water and left her on the bank. Heading back to the school, hopefully not getting in any form of trouble.

Here's to hoping for one day of peace.....

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