Chapter 2

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Nobody truely understands what banshees have to go through unless they are one. All the pain and death surrounding us is often times too much. We live life in misery and darkness but sometimes there's people around to make us feel better. Although some of us commit to life of solitude, scared of getting attached to people or animals.

The look on the girls face bore into me. One that indicated she understood but didn't care in the slightest as to what I dealt with. No empathy what so ever. For some reason she didn't like me, which was how I was use to being treated. However I thought here would be different. Unless her distaste for me were for completely different reasons.

"Adina Myers half banshee half elemental," I say after a few seconds trying to be the bigger person, despite never being in the wrong. You could say I was a people pleaser only because I didn't like confrontation to any degree. The snow above my head stopped as I stood my ground.

The girl only scoffed before walking off, making a scene of nudging my shoulder as she passed me. My first day at a new school and I've already made an enemy. Guess I'm moving up in the world.

"I've seen dead people less bitter than her," I mumbled earning laughs from the two behind me.

"I have a feeling we are going to be fast friends," Enid states pulling me into a hug. I hesitantly hugged back, a bit shy seeing as I didn't know her.

"No offence I'm sure you're lovely people but forming attachments to people has gotten me nowhere in the past. The pain is unbearable," I sighed glad they were wanting to befriend me. Things might have been different if my brother were still here.

"You came here to make friends and be around people who understand. How about making an exception," Enid says with a big smile really putting herself out there. I wouldn't be surprised if she was well liked around here. Given her kind and outgoing personality.

"Trust is an important thing to me which might take awhile for you to earn. But maybe I can make an exception," I replied with a cort nod. She smiled before rushing off, probably to tell everyone that I wasn't a murderer like they all initially thought.

I began walking away, tired of the stares I'd been receiving throughout the whole conversation. I'd just made it to the hall when I felt a presence near me, and not long after a gentle hand on my arm. Turning slightly I looked up into the mysterious eyes of Xavier as he gazed down at me. A friendly smile on his face.

"How about I show you around the town. There's a coffee place there, only if you're up for it?" He invited me to come along with him. I'm not sure what prompted me to nod my head. Seeing as he could be a killer for all I knew. Of course I don't think the school would accept a killer into their fine establishment.

"I could use a break from the gazes of our curious peers," I replied still feeling some of them looking at us. As if they had nothing better to do in this moment.


Together we walked down a short path through the woods and into the small town of Jericho. The only time I've heard mention of it, other than from my parents. Was an episode of Supernatural, in which it was haunted by a wendigo. Cannibalistic creatures who were once men. If I remembered correctly. It could've been a different supernatural being.

Neither of us talked but the silence was comfortable. I'm not sure how to describe it, but my nerves seemed to be at ease within his presence. Almost like I was grounded by his very being. It was like there was a connection between us even though we just met.

"This place is riddled with death," I voiced as we walked down the cobbled streets towards the coffee shop. Kind of a morbid thing to say but most times my mind doesn't filter things before I speak. Not that I could help it really.

"That's quite the conversation starter there Adina," he chuckled which eased the tension. The sound was truely soothing to my ears. Different from the constant echoing sounds of death.

"Sorry for my morbidness. It's just all around us really. Omens are all over this place," I replied pointing to the crows perched upon the telephone wires. Then over to the black cat hiding in the alley and the black dog being walked through the park.

"In terms you could understand it's like a field of energy that I can see pulsing in and out of reality, and through that field is the other side where people who haven't passed on still lurk. Wanting to be set free, only they always appear to me how they died," he gave me a sympathetic look as we entered the shop. Holding the door for me as I passed by.

"You should never apologize for being you, it's other people's problem if they don't like how you are," he states picking a booth and we sat down. "Mind if I take a look," he nodded his head to my sketch pad and I pushed it over to him. It's not like I had things to hide.

He flipped through the drawings, a content look on his face. He stopped on one I did of a butterfly. I had used colored charcoal to make it. With a smile he held his hand up focusing. A few seconds passed before it came to life. This beautiful artistic creation, that moved like a real one.

I smiled watching it fly around with ease despite being a drawing. Reaching up I touched it for a few seconds. Xavier's smile brightened as he watched it transform into a real butterfly landing on his hand. Our fun didn't last long as the barista came over to take our order and I lost focus. It turned back into a drawing.

I looked up at the boy, who seemed around my age and fear washed over me like rain in the amazon.

Standing a few feet from me,
Was the boy from my nightmares......

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