"That was hot" Avery said as Summer went into her room.


"You standing your ground".

"Shut up" Summer rolled her eyes as Avery laughed.

"I know I keep asking, but seriously, are you okay?"

"I'm good Ave, I promise".

"Alright. You have to see him tomorrow".

"There's hundred of people in that class, I don't necessarily have to see him".

"Hm sure. Let's get lunch after class".

"I thought you were going out with Darren".

"I am, he has a showing at 5".

"Okay. I'll just drop you off at his place then".

"Thank you very much".

"You're welcome.


The next day Summer got up early to get a run and a shower in before getting ready. She didn't put on anything too special, Nike joggers with a matching jacket and a cropped graphic tshirt underneath then she put her hair up in a claw clip. She said goodbye to Avery then made her way to her first building.

She went to the chair they usually sit at and although he wasn't there, it was too empty. She ignored the seat and took one a few chairs away between two other classmates. Chase came into class a few minutes late, hesitating to talk to her, then continuing to their usual seat not too far away. She left before he did then went to the student center to get a snack and do some note taking before her next class.

Finally, she was sitting in her software analytics. It made her giddy, even if she didn't want to admit it. Of course she hadn't stopped thinking about Connor since they kissed but over the last few days of talking, feelings were actually growing. They were obviously taking it slow for now, with some flirting here or there, but she was excited every time his name popped up on her screen.

"Sorry I'm late, thank you for your patience. Today we're going to use what we learned before Thanksgiving and apply it directly to real time instances. To review, we talked about software analytics as sort of a damage control of software engineering. In order for things to run smoothly we use analysis, data, and systemic reasoning to get ahead of potential problems or even quickly resolve them. Analytics is in real time so in the field you've gotta accomplish logical thinking with the drop of a dime. The better you get at that, the easier it is to accomplish smoother augmentation and improvement of the software. Any questions?" He finished and waited to see if anyone raised their hand.

"I'm gonna assume you all get it then. I want to emphasize the importance of real time decision making, so as we're going over these examples I want accuracy and speed and not just accuracy. Don't think about if the shit you're saying may actually be correct or not. There are many different solutions to a problem, you'd be surprised. You all are either just starting your careers or haven't started at all so don't be ashamed to get something wrong. The examples I'm going to start with are going to seem juvenile and you're gonna think I'm crazy, but bear with me. It's just a warmup to get your minds going then we'll go into some more difficult problems. Let's get started" he said.

He started going through examples, simple ones to start, with very obvious solutions.
"Alright, first one. You're walking down a sidewalk adjacent to a busy road. You reach a point in the sidewalk with a very large sinkhole. How do you get around?" He proposed and waited for students to raise their hands.

"Wait to cross the street".

"Go around it".

"Jump over it".

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