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You and Camilo walked out of his room, hand in hand. It was time for dinner and you both decided you were going to tell his family the news.

Dolores came running to you guys, engulfing the both of you in a hug. "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. I heard everything, I'm so proud of you guys!" She pulls back, you smile at her.

"Gracias Dol." Camilo laughs, looking down as a slight blush creeps onto his cheeks. You hear Pepa's voice saying it's time for dinner. "Well I think it's time we head downstairs. Come on lovebirds." She smiles, heading towards the dining room.

Camilo lets go of your hand right before you both enter the dining room. Both of you wanted to tell them yourselves.

You sit next to each other, right in front of Sergio and Mirabel, who seemed to be having a great conversation.

You greeted the rest of the Madrigals you hadn't seen yet. They didn't mind you showing up to dinner, you were there all the time anyways. Julieta knew to always make extra food for you, even if you didn't happen to show up at least Camilo would get his seconds he always wanted. They knew Sergio would join, he was invited to when he was found in the kitchen with Mirabel.

They were happy to see you, especially Pepa. You were thankful his family loved you as much as they did, it made the whole "I'm dating Camilo" talk much easier.

You all begin to eat, talking and laughing about different topics. You looked at Dolores, who you could tell was making a huge effort not to spill the secret. You knew you had to say something before she couldn't take it anymore, but now wasn't the time.

Sergio and Mirabel continued to be in their own little world, you smiled at them. You were proud of him for getting the guts to actually become closer with her.

Camilo turns to you, swallowing his food. "Mi amor can you pass me the salt," he says without thinking. The both of you widen your eyes at the realization of what he just said.

You hear gasps around you and slowly look up to see shocked faces.

"Surprise?" You smile awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. The table immediately began asking questions, talking overlapping. A giant rainbow shone over the entire room.

"You're dating?!"

"It's about time!"

"Voy a tener otra hija!"

"When did this happen?!"

"Que lindos!"

"Since when?!"

Eventually everyone started talking slower, actually allowing you and Camilo to answer them. "Yeah we've been dating since like two hours ago." Camilo answers with a smile, turning around to look at you.

"You finally told him! Dios mio you were driving me crazy with all that "he's just a friend" caca." Sergio exclaims, grinning.

Camilo looks at him with a playful "offended" look. "You knew this entire time?!" He shakes his head in disbelief while Sergio snickers. Mirabel rolls her eyes beside him. "We all knew. The both of you were the only ones that didn't." She raises both her eyebrows as she speaks, fixing her glasses.

Pepa stands up to hug you, you don't think you've ever seen her like this. "Ay mija! I'm so happy! I knew you and Camilo would end up together. You two are so cute." She tells you while in an embrace. "Gracias." You smile, her giving you a kiss on the cheek before pulling away.

Before she goes to sit back down she turns to Camilo. "If you break her heart theres going to be a long-lasting hurricane that will annoy the Encanto, and you're going to be grounded forever. I'm so proud of you mijo!" She kisses his cheek too.

"Mama..." Camilo groans as Pepa smiles. She sits down, the rainbow getting a bit brighter

Isabela gasps, causing you and Camilo to quickly look at her. "Now I can finally start calling you his esposa!!" Her comment causes a sigh from you and a roll of the eyes from Camilo.

The teasing was far from over.


"Hermosa can you come here for a bit?" You were in the living room, hearing Camilo call out for you from the backyard.

You begin to get off the couch where you were talking to Sergio and Mirabel, who were cuddling on the other side of the couch. "Yeah mi amor I'm going! I'll be right back guys." You say once fully off.

"Yeah no problem!" Sergio says, trying to hold back a smile. You turn around, leaving the living room and following the sound of Camilo's voice.

Finally reaching Camilo, you give him a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go on a quick walk." He smiles, taking your hand.

"Again? We went on one like two days ago?" You laugh. You didn't mind, but your feet were getting sore from all the walks he would have you do.

"What? I can't take a relaxing walk with the love of my life?" He says, beginning to drag you along with him. "Well when you put it that way..."

You both walked for a bit, hand in hand, before you both reached the river. The river where you took Camilo and Sergio on a hang out, five years ago.

He leads you to the edge of the river, making you quirk your brow. "You're not going to push me in again are you?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "No. But now that you mention it maybe I should.." he smirks, you taking a step back. The both of you laugh at the memory of him pushing you in all those years ago, and how you ended up pulling him in with you. Your laughter slows down, and the both of you face the river.

"Y'know... this is the day I got really jealous of Sergio for the first time, like a lot. It's funny looking back at it now, but I really did think you two had a thing going on. Thank god you didn't." He smiles, turning around to look at you.

"I still can't believe you never noticed my obvious crush on you." You raise your eyebrows, still facing the water. "I can't believe you never noticed mine." He says, face softening as he admired your profile.

You turn around, eyes widening when you spot Camilo on one knee.

"Camilo what are you..." your voice trails off when you see him reach for a box inside his pocket.

"Cinco años. Five years ago I realized my love for you. And it's been growing everyday. I love you more than life itself. We've been through so much together, and I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" His face was full of love, but hints of worry lingered as well. God did he hope you'd say yes.

You were speechless, only having the ability to say one word. "Yes! Yes!!" You threw your arms around him, holding him tightly. Camilo let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and held you tight.

"Te amo." He mumbles, his head buried in your neck. "Te amo mas"


"Now I can't tease them by calling her his esposa!" Isabela stands up from her hiding spot behind the bushes. She gets shushed and pulled back down by her cousins.

words: 1284

In honor of this account officially being a year old today, I thought it was time to release the bonus chapter ;)

Chameleon - Camilo Madrigal x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant