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After a few hours, Mirabel was finally found and everyone got to work to rebuild casita.

Moments before you got to working, your mama called you over. Camilo, Pepa, and Felix stood next to her. You ask what she needed as you got closer, eventually stopping once you reached them. "Seeing as the Madrigal home might not be back up for a while, I suggested that Camilo stays with us in the meantime."

"Like stay in your house?" Camilo asks, you crossing your arms. "No Camilo, you're gonna stay in the garden." You perk your head up, actually realizing what was going on. "Wait, he's gonna stay in our house?" You get a nod in response.

A smile forms on both yours and Camilo's face as you simultaneously turn to each other. "Since we don't have a spare bedroom, we were thinking he could stay in your room." You both turn your attention back to her as she continued. "If it's okay with the both of you of course. If not Camilo can just take the couch." Camilo turns to you once again, seeing you shake your head.

"I'm completely fine with him staying in my room," Your mama smiles, looking towards Camilo who was oddly enough still staring at you.

"What do you think Camilo?" Felix chimes in, making sure his son got his say in the matter.

Camilo quickly turns to the sound of his name. He looked at his parents with a blank expression. He wasn't really paying much attention the last few seconds.

Seeing that everyone was awaiting his response, he shakes himself out of it. "Oh um, yeah I don't mind"

"Great! We'll get to moving your things soon," Pepa exclaims with a bright smile. If the Madrigal gifts hadn't gone out, the village would be illuminated with strong sunlight.

Your crush, best friend living with you? Must be a dream.

Camilo feels a tap on his shoulder, turning around to see Mirabel, "Hey, if you don't mind we could use some help over here." She points behind her at Luisa and Isabela who was waving over.

He nods, following his prima.

You went back to the area you were in before you were called by the adults. Picking up a broom, you begin to sweep the debris.

"Hey!" you hear a voice behind you exclaim. "Oh hey Sergio!" You smile, leaning on the broom and almost falling over. You caught yourself while Sergio laughed. "You okay there?" He asks, still laughing. "Yeah, I'm great" you gulp, steadying yourself by gripping onto the broom.

Sergio goes to grab a broom before returning to you.

"How did this even happen?" he asks, sweeping next to you.

You shrug, not really knowing how either. "I don't know, Camilo didn't go into much detail. I didn't really expect him to though, it must be difficult to think, let alone talk about."

He nods understandingly. "How's he doing?" You sigh as you lift your head up, spotting the curly-haired boy attempting to spin the shovel Mirabel gave him and failing miserably.

You smile while watching him look up at Mirabel, making sure she didn't see that. "Better than earlier from the looks of it. I can't believe they're able to put a smile on after all this." You look back at Sergio, whose gaze had followed yours.

He continued looking off in the direction of the 15 year old Madrigals as he spoke. "Yeah, I hope it's not taking too much of a toll on them. Losing their home and gift..." He turns towards you, then continuing to sweep.

You hesitate before sweeping as well. You worked in silence for a while before a group of kids ran past you both.

The sudden movement of the children caused the surrounding debris to shoot up into the air. Sergio, unlucky to be the closest to the group, got covered in dust.

He coughs, dust covering his face.

You couldn't help but laugh. Your skirt got dirty too, but it wasn't as much as the amount on Sergio's face.

"D-Dios-" You're cut off by your own laughter. You walk up to the dirty boy, his chuckles combining with yours. You place your hands on his cheek, wiping off the dirt. "I could have choked on the dust and you would be standing here laughing at me" Sergio snickers, causing you to laugh even more.

"Uh... sorry to interrupt whatever is going on here, but our parents want to start getting me moved into your house now." Camilo says, crossing his arms as he spoke.

You took your hand off of Sergio's cheek and backed away from him. "You're gonna stay in her house?" Sergio questions in surprise as you walked up to Camilo.

"Yup!" Camilo exclaims a little too quickly, throwing his arm around your shoulder. "Now if you don't mind we have to go get my things set up. Buenas noches Sergio!" He begins pulling you away.

You walked along with him, not before you turned your head to face back to Sergio. "Goodnight!" you wave. "Goodnight!" He repeats as you and Camilo continued walking.

Camilo didn't say anything to you, he didn't look at you, nor did he remove his arm that was still around your shoulder.

He finally took his arm off once the both of you reached your mothers before they could even spot the gesture, Felix soon approaching with a small bag. He handed Camilo the bag, patting him on the shoulder. Pepa peppers the boy in kisses before saying goodnight.

After saying your goodbyes, your mama, Camilo, and you walk to your house.

Finally getting to the doorstep, your mama unlocks the door and lets you all inside.

Camilo has been in your home before, but he's never slept in it. When the both of you would have sleepovers, they would be in his room since it was significantly bigger than your own.

The both of you walk up to your room, or the both of yours room now.

He places his bag on your bed, taking out the little amount of clothes he was able to salvage from the rubble.

"Where do I put these?" He looks up at you, holding onto a ruana.

You stand up, walking over to your closet which thankfully had room for Camilo's clothes. "Bring them over here" You say as he begins to do as you say.

The both of you spent time placing his clothes into your closet, there wasn't much to put away anyways.

It finally hit night time, your mama entering the room to announce so.

You made Camilo face the wall with his hands covering his eyes while you changed into your pajamas. He didn't have any pajamas with him, so he decided on just sleeping in his black pants. He insisted that if he kept his dress shirt on the thin fabric would wrinkle and get ruined. It was too late to argue against it anyways.

You were the first to get in bed, Camilo hesitated for a few seconds before joining you. He slipped under the blanket, feeling you shift onto your side, facing the opposite direction.

He stares at the ceiling, smirking as he recounted a piece of information. "Hey hermosa?" He breaks the silence. "Hm?" you turn your body, facing him.

"You know a little birdy told me something very interesting." You raise a brow at the teen. "Is that so?" you inquire as he nods.

He mimics your position, though facing you. "Mhm... someone in this bedroom has a 'stupid crush'. Wanna elaborate on that?" You blink in surprise. Didn't see that one coming.

"You have a crush 'Milo?" You knew he was referring to you. The words 'stupid crush' ringed a bell. You remembered how you accidentally said those words out loud, moments before the Madrigal gifts went out. Dolores most definitely was the 'little birdy'.

Camilo groans, rolling his eyes. "Don't act dumb with me hermosa. Who do you have a crush on?"

"Bold of you to assume i'd tell you." Camilo pouts. "Por favor?" He pleads, but you're adamant. "Nope!" You face the other way, feeling him scoot closer. "Just tell meee. I am your best friend after all" he puts his chin on your shoulder.

You shake your head. "If you love me you'll tell me." He attempts for the final time, huffing in frustration and laying on his side in the opposite direction once you say no again.

"Eres mala"

"Si, pero te amo"


words: 1377

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