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Throughout the week Camilo continued to pester you about your crush. Whether you both were in bed, ready to engulf in sleep, or out helping to repair casita, he would constantly throw out the question.

"If you tell me who your crush is, I'll stop eating from your secret stash of candy." your brows furrow, turning around to face him. "You're eating from my stash?" His cheeky expression drops, realizing he ratted himself out.

He shakes his head, arms crossed, eyes closed. "No of course not! I would never!" Glaring at him, you scoff "Well now I'm definitely not telling you."

Camilo pouts, going to hug you from behind. "Por favor. The curiosity is too much" You roll your eyes at the boy's dramatics.

"That's too bad camaleón" you sigh as you continue to draw in your sketchbook.

He groans in frustration, throwing himself on the bed.

He stays silent for a while, the only sound being heard was the graphite rubbing against the paper.

"I invited Sergio over by the way. He should be here in a few minutes." you break the silence, eyes not tearing away from the page.

Camilo couldn't help but frown at the mention of the boy's name. To him you two seemed really close. It wouldn't be long till Sergio took Camilo's spot as your best friend.

Sergio had been nothing but a great friend so far. A little too great. Sure Camilo has known you almost your entire life, but was he really that special?

Camilo didn't think so.

It wouldn't be hard for you to find someone greater than him. Sweeter than him. Funnier than him. Much more interesting than him.

And now without his shape-shifting abilities, Camilo was nothing but average. He couldn't do the very thing people knew him for. He couldn't do the very thing that defined his entire life. So how surprising would it be if you ditched the gift-less boy and got yourself a new best friend?

Camilo didn't think it would be.

He knew you cared about him. Heck, even loved him. You said it yourself. But everyone's replaceable, right?

He knew damn well that you having a crush means he's about to lose that number one spot. This crush of yours is going to take you from him. He knew it was selfish, he should be happy if you're happy. But it was difficult to be.

The last thing he wants is to lose you. You understand him like no one else does. You make him laugh like no one else could. You were even the very first person Camilo ever shifted into. You're his best friend.

"Okay" he mumbled. "Hermosa can you come here for a bit?" The request was out of nowhere, but you complied.

You placed your sketchbook on your desk, then walking over to him. "Que quieres?" you softly question while you sit on the bed next to him.

He extends his arms, like how babies do when they want to be carried.

You tilt your head, confused until he makes grabby hands at you. Your lips form an "o" as you realize what he wanted. Scooting closer to him, you lay your head on his chest.

He moves you closer though, placing you on top of him.

You both have cuddled a few times before, that's not anything new, but it's been a while since you have. Your friendship had always been like this. People always mistook you both for a couple. Just goes to show how comfortable you two were with one another.

His hands rub against your back as you lightly giggle. "Y eso? This is random." He digs his face into your hair as he spoke. "It's my last day staying here, making the most of it."

" 'Milo, I'm literally with you every single day. How are you not tired of me already?" You can feel him smile against your hair. "Who said I'm not?" You adjust your head so you can see his face. His smile grows wider before finally cracking. He laughs, breaking his act. "Oh shut up," You snicker with him. "You know you aren't" He raises his head to look at you, grin still on his face. "You're right." The both of you chuckle for the final time before the doorknob begins to twist.

You lay your head back down on Camilo's chest before turning to look at the opening door. It opened to reveal Sergio behind it. "Hey, your mama sent me up." You greet the boy before getting off of Camilo's chest, earning a groan from him. 

"I was comfortable," he complains. You shake your head, grabbing the pillow that was on your desk-chair and throwing it at him. "Get up huevon! We have places to be and people to hangout with." He yelps in surprise once the pillow makes impact with his face.

He glares at you, reluctantly getting up from the bed. "Where exactly are we going?" Sergio questions as you go to grab the pillow you had just thrown at Camilo. "Maybe the river? Go for a swim?" You look at the boys for approval, placing the pillow back onto it's respective spot.

Sergio nods, looking towards Camilo. "Why not?" He shrugs. "Great. Let me go put my bathing suit on really quickly. Sergio you can just share the towel we got Camilo. That way you don't have to make the trip back to grab your things." You go to your drawer and take out your bathing suit, walking into the bathroom to put it on.

The two boys stood in silence for a bit, they didn't really know what to do in your absence. Camilo went over to where his new towel was. Your mama bought him one for his showers. "Do you think we'll need anything else?" Sergio asks once Camilo handed him the towel.

'Milo shakes his head, looking around the room. "Don't think so. I mean, unless we manage to find two pairs of male bathing shorts in here." He jokingly goes and opens the drawer you were at two minutes ago. He finds the top part of another bathing suit, lifting to up to his chest. Sergio laughs at the sight, Camilo chuckling as he shakes his head and puts it back. "We're not hot enough to pull that off" Sergio nods, agreeing in laughter. "Definitivamente"

Camilo smiles before going to bang on the bathroom door. "Ya terminas?!" He yells in between bangs. "Esperate!" Your voice is heard behind the door. He rolls his eyes, turning to Sergio. "She always takes forever."

"I heard that!" You yell, causing a smirk on Camilo's face. "Okay Dolores!" The door opens, you giving him an un-amused look. 

Camilo gasps, again going to face Sergio. "Milagro! She finished quickly!" You scoff, going to the bedroom door.

"Callate. You guys ready to go?" 

words: 1116

Chameleon - Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now