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"No se, se siente raro" Camilo complains, shifting from Mirabel and back into himself. "It doesn't feel like how it did before."

He turns away from the mirror, facing you who was sitting on his bed. "It's probably just you. Everyone else seems just fine." Camilo shrugs, sitting down next to you.

"You know, you never answered who your crush is"

You roll your eyes. "Dios mio, you're still with that?" He nods with a smirk.

"I'm your best friend! Don't you trust me?" he pouts, giving you the eyes.

Don't fall for it.

You shake your head, crossing your arms. He groans. "Looks like I'll have to tell Mirabel who really ruined that one dress." He stands up, your hand gripping onto his arm and pulling him back.

"Fine! I'll tell you." He smugly grins, adjusting himself to face you.

Should you just fess up and admit it's him? Of course not.

"Do I know them?" he asks, you nod.

"Boy or girl?"


"Our age?"


"Okay enough guessing, just tell me."

You pause for a moment, not knowing whose name to say. Definitely not his.

You end up saying the first name that came to mind. That one being:


Camilo's eyes widened. Of course! Perfect little Sergio. He had a feeling that's who you were gonna say. It was obvious. You were always so cheery around him. Laughing, gossiping, smiling. It all made sense now. Why you walk with him. Why you always invited him to hang out. Camilo felt a weird tug in his chest. Camilo was gonna lose you to this boy and he knew it. There's no need for a male best friend when you have a boyfriend. You're going to want to start spending all your time with your boyfriend, not someone who's 'just a friend'.

But after all, you're still his best friend. He has to be happy for you. Support you.

He plastered a smile on his face. Acting, that's what he's good at. "That's great! I wouldn't be surprised if he likes you back. You should tell him."

His positive attitude about this stung a little. If he's so happy about you liking someone else he clearly doesn't have feelings for you.

So, you decided to keep the facade going.

"I don't think I can do that." he stands up, shaking his head. "I can help with that."

Your facial expression forms one of confusion. "How?" And with those words, you weren't looking at Camilo anymore, but now Sergio.

"Practice on me!"

You look down, biting the inside of your cheek. "I don't know.." you answer hesitantly. Is this really the best idea?

He sighs, pulling you up next to him. "Just say what you would to him." you stare blankly into the eyes of the boy who you'd met during the ceremony.

Sure he was sweet and absolutely gorgeous, but you didn't have those types of feelings towards him. To put it lightly, he wasn't Camilo.

You take a breath. What are you even supposed to say?

"So um.." Honestly, how are you supposed to confess to someone you don't have feelings for in the first place?

Might as well just say what you want to say to Camilo. Except, pretend it's not directed towards him.

"We've known each other for a while.." No you haven't. "No wait scratch that. No we haven't. We haven't known each other that long, but I don't know if I can stay as 'just a friend' anymore. You constantly hog my mind. You're all I think about. Dream about. Your eyes are beautiful. Your smile is perfect. I know you might not feel the same but I like you. A lot. And if you don't I understand, our friendship is all that matters.." You fidget with your fingers, looking at the shapeshifter who was staring back at you.

That tug Camilo felt in his chest earlier just got a lot tighter. How did this new guy manage to pull your heartstrings like that? Camilo has been by your side all this time, so why this new kid?

You clearing your throat snaps him out of his thoughts. "So.. how was that?" Camilo softly smiles, there's a hint of sadness lingering on his expression. "Amazing."

"Okay, okay. Enough sappy stuff. We should go get some pastries from the village or something, since your tia isn't home." You wanted to move on from the subject and frankly so did Camilo.

He nods, shifting back to himself and hurrying to the door with you following right behind.

Camilo adores food, so he didn't hesitate to accept your offer.

Unfortunately for you, Camilo is very popular with the ladies. Right when you guys got to the village a small group of girls rushed to his side.

"Hola Camilo," one giggled as she stepped in front of you.

"Hola bonita" He winks. He's used many nicknames for these fan girls, except 'hermosa'. You've never noticed, but that one was reserved for you.

Your lips formed a line as you didn't know what you were supposed to do.

Thankfully you spotted someone who could save you from your uncomfortable dilemma.

"Sergio! Hey!" you yell out for the boy, turning his attention from the basket he was holding to you.

Camilo's attitude changed extremely quickly once he heard that name come out of your mouth. He turned to you, then following your gaze and looked at Sergio.

"Hey!" Sergio exclaims, walking towards you with a smile.

Oh look, it's the perfect smile.

Camilo frowned as he watched you two walk closer.

"What are you doing?" you ask in pure curiosity. "Just running some errands for mi mama" Sergio explains, but immediately is followed by a yawn.

You raise a brow at him, slightly chuckling. "Tired?"

He adjusts his grip on the basket before rubbing his eyes.

Oh and there are the beautiful eyes.

Camilo couldn't hear what you both were saying, but your gestures were enough to make him glare.

"Just a little bit.." he laughs. "Mind if I help?" you ask, Camilo is clearly busy.

"That would be great actually."

words: 1024

Chameleon - Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now