Chapter 8: Changing Times

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[Blaza POV]

"Blaza," Tbh addressed me after a long, slightly awkward silence.

"Yeah?" I replied, uncomfortably aware of my body moving against my will, dragging my friend along with me.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Honest.

"I'm not doing it. I'm not in control, please believe me!" I could feel a singular tear run down my cheek.

"Blaza, I'm trying to believe you but it's impossible to believe obvious lies! You're nothing but a monster! Stop trying to hide it! You are and will never be nothing more than what you are: worthless." TbhHonest snarled. Those words cut like a knife. Tears ran down my cheeks like waterfalls but I couldn't shake away the thoughts that came with the pain. He's right. You're nothing but a monster. You failed to protect three friends and brought harm to everyone. You'll always be a kidnapper, a heartless creature.

"Tbh please... Believe me! This isn't me controlling my body!" I was practically begging now.

"How could I believe you!? You've betrayed me! You've betrayed us all!" yelled Honest but a few tears could be seen in his eyes as he said this. I didn't even know it was possible to shed as many tears as I was now but I guess it is.

Pain. That's all I could feel. My friend hated me. And even more painful was the fact that what he said was the truth. I am a traitor. I am a monster. I kept dwelling on those thoughts and the feeling was as painful if not worse than being stabbed and the blade was only being pushed deeper.

This isn't fair! But it's the truth. I'm not doing this! It's your body. I've had enough! I didn't know a traitor could have enough of watching those they betrayed suffer. Stop! Yet all I'm doing is telling you what you already know. I don't care! So you don't care about your thoughts. Because all you do is add to my suffering! But you're the one to blame.

Well that's just great, even my own thoughts are against me. My legs continued to walk through the woods and eventually Tbh and I had reached the same place I had been brought. Both of us were here against our own will. If I could turn back time and have another shot I could change this. But it's too late now. The times are changing and there's no turning back. I have a new goal now. To fix my mistakes. And I'll do whatever I need to to accomplish it. I must fix this, no matter what it takes.

[Panther POV]

This shouldn't be happening. I changed what I should never have messed with: freedom. If I wasn't so selfish, if I just accepted my fate like Dino and Woolfster, we wouldn't be in this mess. Forget being positive, there's nothing to be happy about. I should just accept that I can't fix this and I never will be able to. I'm the villain of this story. But then again if I thought that it'd be really boring for the readers because we already have one character blaming themselves for all of this sooooooooo maybe it's best you forget all of that I just thought about and we continue with me being positive. Yet it's hard. I'm not even human. How am I supposed to be positive with all my problems crushing me?!

"You okay?" asked Dino. I probably looked sad.

"Y-y-yeah I'm fine." I replied and tried to smile.

"Are you sure?" asked Woolf, joining the conversation.

"No! I'm a demon, I'm the reason this is happening! I-I-I just don't know what to do anymore! I c-caused this!" I yelled and I felt a few tears dampen my fur.

"It's alright," said Dino with compassion in his eyes.

"It's okay, you're not a demon. You never were," added Woolfster.

"I'm alright, I'm okay I'm not a demon..." I echoed. I smiled at my friends. They had always been there for me. If they can believe it's not my fault, I believe it too.

[TbhHonest POV]

I watched Blaza's tears fall. He looked terrified and depressed at the same time as he dragged me into the white building. It hurt. It shouldn't hurt but it does. He betrayed us, I shouldn't be sorry for him. So why am I?

"Why hello there!" a man appeared seemingly out of nowhere, making me jump.

"Fred..." Blaza growled his voice cold as ice but the rage like a burning fire could also be heard.

"Hello again, Blaza! Your name is Blaza, right?" replied Fred merrily. "I see you've brought me a new victim, why thank you!" Fred put down a remote he had been holding.

"Would you be kind enough to give me this man or would I need to force you?" asked Fred, his tone suddenly becoming menacing.

"As if," replied Blaza and, without taking his eyes off this slightly scary man, released me and leapt at Fred. I froze and watched the scene play out. Blaza was kicking and punching Fred but Fred was strangely calm about it. I then saw the whole time his hand had been moving closer to the remote he had put down until he had grabbed it. Fred must have done something with the controller because Blaza began screaming in pain, turned away from the man, who by now I had guessed was a scientist, and was now looking at me.

"I'm sorry Tb," said Blaza, sounding truly upset, and jumped at me. My tall friend grabbed my neck and began to squeeze. I couldn't breathe. I was going to die.

"Blaza... I-it's okay... I forgive y-you a-and I hope... you f-forgive me," I gasped.

"NOOOO! WHY!" That was the last I heard before it all went black.

[Blaza POV]

I stared at the limp body in my hands. It wasn't just any corpse. It was Tbh's corpse, my friend's corpse. I was a murderer. Tears streamed from my eyes until I could barely see. My heart ached. He forgave me, but I'll never be able to forgive myself. Not after this. Fred put the controller down and I released the body and fell to my knees. Honest's crab hoodie was wet from my tears and his eyes were completely lifeless. He was gone. Dead. And it was all because of me.

"Why... WHY!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"As kids we all wanted to rule the world now, didn't we? But we forgot about that thought as we grew older. I didn't. I remembered it. And this is only the first step. For the world to bow before me, to cower before my name I must be remembered. And this'll ensure I'm remembered. I will be remembered, I will be remembered for millenia! The world shall accept their new leader or DIE!! The times are changing Blaza. Noone can hide." Fred said.His face was twisted in a cruel smile as he spoke and his eyes showed only joy and madness. I didn't reply. I just cradled Tbh's body and sobbed.


I finally wrote Chapter 8! Sorry about the wait but thanks for being patient! I hope you all enjoyed!

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