Chapter 6: Friends And Foes

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[Blaza POV]

"What is this place?" I asked Fred as he took me into the lab.

"The place you'll be staying 'till you give me answers," he replied.

Fred and Nara continued walking (I was still being held in the air by the gadget) until we reached a tall, metal pole in a glass cage. Fred placed me in the cage and Nara tied me to the pole. The two scientists then locked the cage and walked over to what appeared to be a control pad. I then realized there were two bizzare looking gadgets coming out of the ceiling aimed directly at me.

"Now, give me answers. Where are the dinosaur, panther and wolf-man?" asked Fred.

"Why should I tell you?!" I replied.

"Because if you don't you'll find out what those gadgets do," said Nara.

"Okay then, I'd rather that happens than you get to my friends!" I yelled.

"Whatever you say," replied the female scientist and pushed a button on the control pad. The machines sprang to life and a yellow beam came out of each one and hit me. It felt like my whole body was on fire. Eventually the pain stopped. I tried to speak but my mouth didn't open.

"We've put you on mute and you'll stay that way until you agree to give us answers, so thumbs up if you'll give us answers and we'll remove the effects," said Fred with a creepy smile on his face. Was he enjoying this?! I smiled when I realized something. I didn't know where they were anymore! When these maniacs took me away from the village, Panther, Dino and Woolfster could've gone anywhere!

I put my thumbs up.

"That was faster than I thought. Nara, reverse the effects." said Fred. Nara pushed another button and this time a blue beam shot out of the machines and hit me. It felt like water had been dumped on me but I was completely dry.

"So, answers," said Fred.

"I don't have any," I replied.

"What do you mean!?" asked the scientist.

"When you took me they could've gone anywhere!" I answered.

"Ok then. Find out where that anywhere is." he replied, his mouth twisted in a devilish grin.

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"Nara, the robotic chip," Fred said. Nara gave him a miniscule metel box with a little red light on it.

"This small but marvellous invention is connected to a remote, which allows us to control whoever the chip is in, sadly we cannot control what they say though. And using a screen we can see what you see!" explained Fred. I didn't like where this was going. He then took a tiny knife out of his pocket and entered my cage. I was still tied to the pole so I couldn't back away as he approached me.

"This will hurt," Fred told me before making a small cut on my hand with the knife. The maniac then put the tiny chip into the wound before untieing the ropes that kept me on the pole.

"You're free to go," he said. "I've done all I needed to do with you."

{back at the village FatMemeGod has gathered everyone at his house}

[Laff POV]

"So what is the problem?" I asked. I then realised what the problem was. Blaza was missin'!

"Blaza's vanished," said Meme.

"You're sure he's not just climing a tree?" Joocie asked, though he sounded nervous.

"I already checked," MemeGod answered.

"Well he has to be somewhere, mates! We just aren't lookin' hard enough!" I said.

"Okay then, Bri'ish man, where is he?" asked Tbh, worry in his eyes.

"I dunno but he can't have just vanished!" I replied.

"Well clearly he can because he has!" yelled Meme. "In fact, maybe you took him! You're just putting on a great big act!"

"I didn't do nothin'!" I replied.

"I don't think Laff did anything," said Joocie.

"You're just protectig him because he's British!" Meme shrieked.

"I don't think Laff did anything either," said Muffin.

"You're 14! You know nothing about it!" FatMemeGod screamed.

"We should all calm down, Blaza wouldn't want us fighting over this," said Socks but I could see a small tear in his eye.

"Yeah but he'd want the person who took him to be punished!" Meme yelled, glaring at me. "I don't trust any of you!" screamed MemeGod then he ran off.

"Meme, wait!" yelled Socks but Meme was already gone.

"This is all a mess," said Panther. "Blaza would be still be here if I didn't escape the lab. Fred probably took him for answers."

"Who's Fred?" TbhHonest asked.

"The owner of the lab we were expirimented on in," replied Dino.

"It's not your fault Panther. Destiny is a road that we cannot change," I said attempting to comfort him. "It would've happened anyways."

"I guess. It just feels like it's all my fault. Without me none of this would've happened!" said Panther, a tear running down his cheek dampening his fur.

"Without you me and Dino wouldn't have ever gotten to be free," said Woolfster.

Panther smiled.

"Maybe I can do another good thing," he said.

We all looked at him, confused.

"We can save Blaza," said Panther.

"I don't need saving, you do, from me," said a voice, tinted with sadness. "Now run before I lose control," it said and then screams of pain could be heard. I could hear footsteps coming closer to us. "RUN! ITS NOT SAFE TO BE NEAR ME!" yelled the voice.

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