Chapter 4: New Home, New People... And Animals

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[Blaza POV]

It's the first day of Panther, Dino and Woolfster staying at my house and it has somehow already gone wrong. All three of them woke up before me and tried to make breakfast, the key word here is tried. I got out of bed, got changed out of my bidoof pajamas and into my orange bear hoodie, put on my sunglasses, then went downstairs to make my own breakfast. The kitchen was a mess! There was milk and flour and cereal and sugar everywhere!

"What happened in here! Did a nuke land or something?!" I joked.

The animals just looked at eachother.

"Uhh Woolf will explain," Panther said quickly.

"What! No, Dino will!" exclaimed Woolfster.

"It wasn't my idea to try to make breakfast as animals!" replied Dino, with a look at Panther.

"You tried to make breakfast? How is it physically possible to make this much mess! I didn't even know I had this much flour!" I said glancing at Panther, who was pure white now from flour in his fur. Then someone knocked at my door.

"Come in!" I said.

It was Tbh.

"Hey, Blaza! I just wanted to see how it was - WHAT IN THE SALMON HAPPENED IN HERE!?!?"

"Breakfast." I replied.

"I don't remember breakfast involving turning the kitchen into food," TbhHonest joked but he was clearly still shocked.

"It does when three animals are living at your house," I said.

"We are standing right here!" yelled Panther. Me and Tbh burst out laughing. I guess these animals really aren't so bad. I think they'd make good friends.

"Well let's get breakfast sorted!" I said, after I had finished laughing.

"Okay but you're the only one here with hands," said Honest.

"Well then I guess I'll get breakfast sorted!"

"Okay we'll try to clean this up," said Tb.

{15 minutes later}

The kitchen is finally cleaned and breakfast is made and eaten, thank goodness the animals can eat cereal.

"So now what do we do?" asked Panther.

"Maybe you could tell your story?" suggested Tbh.

"Okay," said Panther then the story began.

{10 minutes later}

[TbhHonest POV]

"...and now we're here," Panther finally finished his story, with Woolf and Dino correcting him from time to time.

"So you used to be human?" asked Blaza.

"Yep!" answered Panther.

Then, a loud bang was heard outside.

"Fireworks!"said Dino in awe.

Woolfster whimpered and his eyes widened.

"Woolf are you okay?" asked Blaza, noticing the wolf-man's fear.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine!" said Woolf with a nervous chuckle.

Blaza eyed him skeptically. At least, I think it was skeptically, hard to tell with those sunglasses. I'm honestly not sure why he wears them indoors. I don't think he knows himself.

The fireworks continued to go off, Woolf looking more and more scared with each one.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Blaza asked Woolf again.

"Yeah, I just don't like loud noises," replied Woolfster, looking a bit embarrassed.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about Woolf! It's normal to be scared of something!" I said attempting to comfort him. Woolf smiled at us.

"So this is what it's like to have more than two friends," he said "Thank you all."


Tbh will now say stuff to do with fish and the ocean because it's fun for me to write.

And the ending of this chapter is Woolf being happy about having more than two friends not shipping. I just wanted to make that clear.

Oh and also Happy New Year! (I know I said it in the previous chapter but I'll say it again.)

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