Inspiration & Information about Author

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I'd like to acknowledge that the idea for this story was inspired by the hit, first - person, zombie running game 'Into the Dead' part 1 of the game. I wanted to exact the name of the game to fit this story, but consequently that would go against copy right claims and laws. So l came up with this title that fits the generic idea of the story.

Also the title of the story is an idea that revolves around other stories based on the same title. To put it simply, a series of stories under the same title.

And please be mindful that this story and title is protected under copyright claims and distribution of the content being wriiten by the author. All rights are reserved. Any attempt in recreation, copying of content, publication of content and posting of, said content, is against the authors own will and is considered an offence.


This is my first story on wattpad. If you enjoy reading my work, try checking out some of my original works. Some are different as I like to mix genres for certain titles of my works. (Not yet though, as this is the first story currently active. All other stories will be written at a later update, or so).

Please I'm not a professional in writing genuine narrative works nor descriptive ones as well. So I'm sorry if there might be mistakes in my work, as it's still a work- in-progress. Criticism is not my best handy tool if it comes to bad reviews.

Content is in Third-Person view

To note: Some features are included in every chapter to give the impression of a smooth transition between plots.

___________________ = the end of a plot and conclusion.

~~~~ = transition between characters, plot development, or othet character POV.

---------- = Flashbacks



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