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After being thrown out of his room, the woman, whom he called by the name Moira, grabbed Maricella's arm and led her to the end of the patio not far from where King Theo is staying. Standing in front of the door of the last room, She saw Moira fish out a key in the side of her jeans and dig it inside the keyhole.
With one twist of the key and the door open, the woman grabs and pulls her inside.
" Stay here while I'm fetching the oracle, make a bad move, and that oracle will pay for your mistake." Moira's cold voice was no different from her master's; she then gave Maricella one last warning look before shutting the door in front of her.
She was left in awe staring at the door.
Ohh, that damn bitch!
She has this feeling that she wants to snap that vixen's head off her body! But that's for later, for now, she needs to check this place.
She turned around, scanning the surroundings. She was a bit surprised that it was huge inside. Though there's no light, Maricella can see clearly with her vampire vision. The room has one huge bed, and a center table on the right side near the window that was adorned with a thick fabric covering the room from any light illuminating outside, in the corner near the suit bathroom has a tall, thick wooden cabinet.
The room doesn't have much stuff inside, only those necessary things a person needs. But for her, it doesn't even matter they are captives and this place is not so bad as being in a place where dirt and blood or decaying corpses are.
Maricella starts pacing back and forth, cracking her brain for a possible chance that Martha and her can escape.
Remembering something, she thought, Did that vixen just leave the room close and not lock it?
She quickly walked back to the door to check on it.
Twisting the doorknob, She was shocked that it wasn't locked from the outside.
Her hand is itching to open the door and sprint her way out. She fists her hand until it feels numb and white as much as she wants to escape, she couldn't.
Moira's voice echoed in her head, " Make a bad movie, and the Oracle will pay for your mistake!"
She can't risk her life!
Martha gave her blood to her and almost sacrificed herself so she could live.
Though Maricella finds it strange that she can drink the Oracles' blood without dying or being poisoned because vampires to vampires can't feed on each other's blood, and our kind can only drink human or animal blood.
Somehow she knows deep inside herself that she can't leave this place until that Vampire King answers all her questions.
She set her burden thoughts aside and waited for them to come, while her eyes scan the surrounding looking for the switch light,
A smile creeps on her face when she finds it, she quickly walks there and turns it on.
With the light scattered in the room, she can finally see with colors that before when everything looked gray.
Being left alone she can't help but evoked in her current predicament, she started to recall those painful memories flashing through her mind.
Her father's motionless body and her husband's bloody form, makes Maricella feel mad and hopeless at the same time.
She wishes she could do something for them, but she's useless !
She cursed deep inside, at that moment she's like a lifeless doll bending her head on the side, allowing that creature to mark me as his!

A creaking sound of the door opening made her snap out of her reverie.
She saw Moira forcefully pull Martha inside the room.
What is wrong with this woman and her brute force? It's not like we can fight her back. This damn wild vixen?! One day she will make her pay for what she did!
" The two of you take a good shower! You both stink like hell!" She sneered before retreating to the door.
Maricella wanted to talk back because the King and her loyal dog servant keeps on nitpicking to her saying she stinks like her mate, and smells like hell because she came from the demon world.
So what?! She really wanted to shout it out loud.
Her husband is a demon prince and it's normal that their scent will blend with each other's body after the bond. That's why there's this thing called mate thing.
Stupid damn retard!
When she thought the vixen would finally leave, she stopped on track and turned around to face us again. " I'll be coming back later, the two of you must be ready by then, Lord Theo wants the both of you to join him in his supper." She gave us a warning look not to do something stupid before she reached for the doorknob and exited the room. Both women left behind heaved a sigh of relief.
Finally Moira is out of sight. Maricella knows she can fight that bitch with equal strength. She only needs to regain her stability, for now she doesn't want to take a risk. Her unborn child is her main priority.
Besides for a vampire woman, Moira surely is a strong one. She remembers that time in the cathedral when she saw her fighting skills tousing Marcus aside like the latter weight nothing. Her eyes shimmering in murderously intent and she doesn't hold back. Who came as a threat will be eliminated in seconds. Moira was giving her best, like she wanted to prove her worth.
But to whom? To that, Lord Theo?
She must have a big respect to glorify him like a God.
Thinking about that damn king Maricella rarely hears a vampire having a late-night meal. She wonders what kind of  dinner he will present to them?
She felt Martha's hand reach for her arm, snapping Maricella out of her deep thought.

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