Reflection of the Smeraldo

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The first installment describing the aftermath of what happened two years prior. Shouto woke up in a critical state and Hinata had passed. Due to the blow on his head, he couldn't remember anything, though his memories would soon flood back. One way he could at least recall basic things was when he was presented a picture of something and is asked what it is. His subconscious would immediately answer, almost like a second person was controlling him.

Yun-Chae stayed quiet and kept the incident to himself. This however, was proven as a bad idea. Now, Seung-Min was in a vengeful mindset. He couldn't bare to not be able to see his beloved Hinata anymore. He regretted so bad not telling him. He wanted to see him, just one last time to say it to his face. He sought out Hyon-Woo, who he had already broken up with during the grieving of Hinata's death. The two had been intimate enough to share their deepest and darkest secrets and their dangerous jobs. The blonde recalled that Hyonie called themselves a "necromancer" of sorts; having successfully revived a dead animal once.

Seung-Min confronted them in their apartment and forcefully took their demonized goods in desperation. Hyon-Woo mentioned how dangerous it is to try and cast the spell himself and forbid him. Seung-Min forcefully took it and shot him in the head out of anger. Being his first kill and not his last. According to Hyon-Woo's Tome of Andors, to reawaken a soul, there must be a sacrifice of two bonded souls, either made of the same piece or otherwise. With this knowledge, Seung-Min knew who his target was.

Meanwhile, after their death, Feng and Lucas went on a side mission to find out who did this to their friend. The police told them that the demonized possessions got to them but it seemed more than that. The police already abandoned them since they had no relatives; their mother was in prison, their father had passed. Since Feng and Lucas were retirees of the military, the two thought their veteran skills would come in handy.

Meanwhile, it had been a few months since Shouto's recovery and he started going back to school since he missed at least two years of it and had to catch up. Shouto had been informed by his brother about their current passion hustle. He, Yun-Chae, Hinata, Hyon-Woo and Seung-Min formed a death metal called KB or KitsuneBan and performed as drummer, guitarists, bassist and keyboard artists respectively. He didn't mention why Hinata wasn't present, lying that he was in Japan visiting family.

At school, Shouto got raided by girls and guys alike after their new album had a huge hit. He barely remembered anything and was just helpless until his best friend, Tae-Il came and saved him. His day went about as normal until he overheard a classmate talk about Hinata. He discovered that their leader had passed.

A few months go by and Feng started to catch on. Lucas didn't want to meddle with the matter much at first but after their marriage started to go downhill, he thought he deserved better. A bit of arguing and a few mishaps and the two decide to separate after years of being together. Lucas went back to his hometown and Feng stayed at their house which turned empty and quiet. Since he was completely desolate, he decided that a child should brighten up his life. So he adopted Marina, an orphaned chinese girl who lost her parents in a house fire.

Seung-Min had already planned everything. Soon, he was going to move to a new apartment, far away from Hyon-Woo resided. He knew that Yun-Chae owned a moving truck to carry their equipment around and used that to his advantage. He called him over for a favour and the unassuming Yun-Chae happily obliged. Once there, Seung-Min brought him up to the top floor to chill and smoke a bit. The two were silently enjoying the night when Seung-Min revealed a little something himself.

He revealed that the reason why Hinata's death took a toll on him was because he was the one who saved him. He was his first love. He would've died and ended it all but, Hinata cared for him. He never had anyone care for him before. Worrying about him. The new Shouto showed this too, he offered to take care of him while he was having a fever. He also worded a bit on how cute his brother was, then denying it when Yun-Chae mentioned him having a crush.

Glass Flower Rewritten Notes and Information Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum