"I'm really sorry this all had to happen." She offered her support not really knowing where to go with it.

"Thanks, but I don't see why you have to be sorry, it wasn't you that did this to her." Pierce replied lifting his head to face Major Houlihan.

"No, but I can show sympathy, if you don't want it then just say." Margaret's voice added a touch of irritation. She had tried to help but Hawkeye was just so hard to please.

"Fine, Margaret, I don't need your sympathy." Pierce said coldly.

Sighing, Margaret rose from the bench, knowing there was no use talking to him, she bid Pierce 'goodbye' and then added a thoughtful 'good luck' before completely leaving the room.  

Klinger held the door open for Major Houlihan as she departed and he arrived. He was holding a cup of tea in the other hand and attempted a cack-handed salute as the Major walked past him. Ignoring the corporal, Major Houlihan strode off to the post-op ward, certain she could find something usual to do there for a while.

Mildly annoyed that his effort hadn't been recognised Klinger stepped through the door he had been courteously holding open for not even a nod of thanks.

"I have your tea, Captain Pierce." Klinger announced holding the cup out for Hawkeye to take. He did so obligingly.

"I thought I take this opportunity to talk to you, which is why I told the nurse I would deliver this for you." Klinger continued. Hawkeye remain motionless, cradling the cup of tea.

"I just wanted to express how well played I thought your joke was. I reckon it would have lasted a long time if it hadn't been for this. It's a shame really. I would have like to see how you would've carried it on. Shame it had to end in such tragedy. Still Charles and B.J are good doctors, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"You started it off, you know, if it hadn't been for that little sparkle of amusement in your eye at the bar I don't think I would have thought about it. Of course, fooling Major Houlihan was the best part of it; you should've seen the look on her face when she thought I was tampering with one of her nurses! That was a sight. She even tried to warn me off! ... It just hurts when a joke falls back at you so hard." Pierce said choking up slightly as he ended. He took a sip of his tea as Klinger comfortingly patted his shoulder.

"Don't get disheartened, hang on in there buddy, you'll see it through." Klinger advised standing up he explained that he needed to return to the bar in order to clean the glasses ready for the night's drinks. With that he departed leaving Pierce to dwell on his piece of advice.

Left to his own devices, Hawkeye downed the now lukewarm tea and putting it to the side he stood up and meandered his way to the door of the operating room. Pressing his nose against the glass, he attempted to see what was going on and how far into the operation Hunnicut and Winchester were. He couldn't make much out, Hunnicut had his back to him and Winchester's head was down concentrating on his work. There was no way of knowing if the operation was going well or not.

"Uh hum, um, Sir?" Radar had quietly walked into the room. In one hand he held a plate of cookies and the other he clutched his teddy bear.

Alerted by the sound of Radar's voice, Pierce swivelled around. Seeing Radar's furlong face, Hawkeye put on a brave smile and beckoned him in.

"Cookie sir?" Radar asked politely, holding out the plate. "I thought you might be hungry, you haven't eaten all day."

Hawkeye picked one of the plate and bit into it. He had tasted better but it didn't matter.

"That was very thoughtful of you. Is the teddy for me too?" Pierce queried trying to find some lightness in their depressed state.

"Oh no, Teddy's mine! He's come with me 'cause I'm afraid." Radar said clutching his teddy closer to him and pulling his shoulder away from Hawkeye, protecting his teddy.

"I was joking, Radar...what're you afraid of?" Pierce replied suddenly realising what the young corporal said.

"Hawkeye, can I tell you something? A secret. You have to promise me no one else gets to know, not unless I tell you they can, that is."

"Of course, I promise... what's on your mind Radar?"

Taking a seat on the bench, he placed the cookies carefully beside him, angling himself so he was facing Hawkeye while he sat. Radar took a deep breath in before he continued.

"Well, this is kinda hard to say but...well, I think I might have a crush, on Shayla, your sister and well, as you're her brother and all I thought it would be a good idea if I asked you for advice. See, I'm not entirely sure how I feel and I'm afraid I will never get a chance to really know, if you get were I'm coming from."

Radar let out a huge sigh, it was a relief to get his worries of his chest even if the facts still remained the same at least someone else knew of them and he wasn't alone with his worries.

A warm feeling of pride rushed through Pierce as he momentarily doted on how sweet it all was and how he adored knowing both of them liked each other. He had watched his little sister grow into a woman and he seen Radar grow in confidence and become more and more independent as the days went on. All of this made the kindling love burn brighter in Pierce's eyes.

"Oh, Radar, I know you like Shayla and if it's any consolation I happen to know she likes you too. And as for not being able to tell her, B.J and Charles are good doctors probably the best I know, excluding myself of course." Pierce said trying to convince himself of the fact as well as Radar.

"I know." Radar agreed convinced already.

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