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I woke up the next morning to the sound of Tobirama and Inuama crying. I immediately got out of bed and ran to them. They were in the backyard holding onto each other. It hurt to see them with so many tears running down their face.

"Tobi, Inu, what's wrong"? All they did was run over and hold onto me tight as they continued to cry their hearts out. "It's ok, I'm right here". I said softly as I held them. Whatever it was I knew they would need me to help them through it.

"They're gone aniki". "Who Tobi? Who's gone"? "Momma, Kwarama, and Itama. They were all killed". He said crying harder. "W what happened"? "Kwarama and Itama were taking too long to come home so momma went looking for them.

When she didn't come back daddy went looking for them but came back by himself. They were attacked by vampires". Inu said through her tears. It hurt to see them both in so much pain. All I could do was hold them. I'm not an alpha, there's no way I could ever fight a vampire and hope to win.

"It's ok, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere". I said holding them closer to me.

My heart hurt as I stared at my reflection in the water. Everything looked dull now. The sky looked grey, the water looked mucky, the ground looked dead and the leaves on the trees looked withered. After Tobi and Inu fell asleep in my arms I left.

I left so they wouldn't see me cry. I'm an omega but I'm the only one left that genuinely cares for them. I have to stay strong for them. I can't let them see me weak.

I miss the three so much. Why'd you have to go? Couldn't you have stayed just a little bit longer?

I closed my eyes and allowed my tears to fall. My mom was the only one I had to protect me from my dad. The only parent I had that actually loved and wanted me. It hurts not being able to smell her scent anymore. Hear her voice, see her smile, feel her hold me. I'm going to miss all of it.

"Hashirama". My body jerked when I heard his voice behind me. I was crying so much that I wasn't able to smell him approaching me. Just another reason to remind me how useless I'am.

"H Hi M Madara". "Are you ok"? I nodded my head, my back was still turned to him. "I can tell your lying". I said nothing. He came sit infront of me and pull me into his chest. "You don't have to lie to me. We're friends remember? Please let me help you".

He whispered into my hair. All I could do was hold onto him and cry in his chest. He felt so warm. His arms felt safe. It's as if nothing could hurt me as long as he was the one holding me. I had felt safe in my mothers arms as well but not like this.

I knew my mother would protect me but also knew she would be no match against my father but not with Madara. It felt like Madara could protect me from any and everything including my father. "I just lost my mom and two of my little brothers".

My voice was barely audible. He gently rubbed my back. "I know exactly how your feeling. I lost my mother and three of my younger brothers". "Their were five originally". "Six". "Does it ever stop hurting"?

"No but over time you learn how to live with it. You're not alone in this. You'll always have me". "Promise"? "Cross my heart".

I know it'll probably only be as a friend though. I'm not worthy of being his omega. Just please don't leave me Madara.


I couldn't help but feel bad as I watched young Hashirama cry his heart out in Madara's arms. No child should ever know the pain of losing their mother so young but life isn't always fair. We don't get to decide what's right and what isn't.

All we can do is have an idea of what's right and what isn't right from our own points of view. I do know this though. Life never gives us more then we can take. As long as we have faith and people who truly care for us we can get through anything in life be it good or bad.

"Look at you sounding all mature". My brother said coming to stand next to me on top of the hill I was currently on. "Must you always read my mind ototo"? "How else am I supposed to know what your thinking"? "Ask me". "Maybe if you opened up more I would. Are you mad at me"?

"No, things like this can't be helped plus I know if you could have prevented it you would of". "Thank you". I nodded my head. "We do have to tell father though". "I know". I placed my hand on his shoulder and teleported us both to our fathers house.

The two of us immediately kneeled infront of him on one knee and had our arm resting over our knee. "Indra, Ashura, What do I owe the pleasure"? "Misa, Rin, Haru and Haruto are dead father, they were killed during an attack". I said.

"The same happened to Tsukiyama, Kawarama and Itama". "I see. How is this affecting the both of you"? "Sad obviously. Tsukiyama and Misa were good women and there's never a good reason to murder children. Rin, Haru, Haruto, Kwarama and Itama still had so many years ahead of them but I know they're in a better place now". I said.

"Indra". "I'm tired of fighting with you both, it's pointless. Family shouldn't be at odds with each other. I still feel the same way but going forward I will try my best to start relying on others". "Thank you aniki".

"Are you still upset about me naming Ashura my successor and not you"? "No I understand your reasoning for it but I do still want to change it. Instead of their being one successor I want their to be two.

Yes it'll take time but I know with enough hard work we can get it done. Madara will be king one day, to get him ready for that responsibility I plan on sending him away for a few years so he can learn about different villages and their customs".

"What about his omega"? I smiled. "I can't think of a more perfect time to confess your love to someone then a reunion after so many years apart. Of course I'll wait until their a little bit older first". "Very well then. I trust you my son". "Thank you father".

Word Count: 1145

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