The Wedding

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Henry was getting married and Emma was a mess. She couldn't believe that the little boy who had brought her to Storybrooke, was now getting married.

Emma stood, staring out the window. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear her mom come up behind her. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Mom! You scared me." Emma gasped.

"I can see that." Snow teased. Then she grew serious. "Are you okay?"

"Honestly? No, I'm not." Emma whispered.

Emma's vision became blurry as the tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't even bother to blink them back, instead she let them fall.

"Oh Emma. What's wrong?" Snow asked her daughter.

"Henry's getting married." Emma choked out. "It's stupid. Regina has more of a reason to be upset than I do. She raised the kid"

"It's not stupid Emma. Regina may have raised Henry, but you're his mother too." Snow said.

Emma sniffed. "I seems like not that long ago that this small boy showed up at my door claiming to be my son and asking me to come back to Storybrooke with him." Emma sobbed.

Snow pulled her daughter into her arms. "It's okay Emma. I understand." Snow said sympathetically. "You remember how much of a wreck I was before your wedding."

Emma's body shook as she cried. Snow stood there and held her for a while before pulling back and wiping the tears from her cheeks.

Just then David walked into the room.

"Hey, everyone's almost ready....everything okay?"

Snow gave her husband a reassuring smile. "Everything is fine. Emma is just a bit upset about Henry getting married, but she'll be okay."

"I just...what happened to the little boy who believed I could break the curse? He was the first person to believe in me. It seems like just yesterday when we were working on operation cobra...and now." Emma closed her eyes and tried to hold the tears back.

David nodded in understanding. "I know how you feel. I felt the same way when you married Killian. But Emma, Henry isn't going anywhere."

"I know." Emma whispered. She wiped her tears.

Regina walked in. "There you are. Everyone is almost ready. Are you coming?"

Emma took a deep breath and let it out. "Let's go."

The ceremony was beautiful. Camille had asked Hope and Leia to be her bridesmaids and Henry had asked Neal and Liam to be his groomsmen. Alice, who was only two, was the flower girl.

After the wedding everyone gathered for the reception. Then came time for the mother son dance. First, Henry danced with Regina and then with Emma.

Emma watched as her son danced with his wife. His wife, it was still so weird to think of Henry as being someone's husband. Emma wasn't sure she would ever get used to it. But Henry was happy, and in the end that was all that really mattered.

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