Teach Me To Dance

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Hope was 8 years old when she attended her first ball. Years later, she could still remember the butterflies in her stomach. She didn't want to go to the ball. She didn't want to be a princess.

"I can't go to the ball, I don't know how to dance." Hope told the family one night at dinner.

Her father smiled at her. "That's why I'm going to teach you."

Hopes smilie faded. "Oh."

Snow frowned. "What's the matter? Aren't you excited?" Snow knew the answer. Deep down she knew that her granddaughter didn't want to go.

Hope shook her head. "I don't wanna go. I don't wanna wear a poofy dress."

For the next week, Hope complained about the upcoming ball. In the end her grandma told her that if she didn't want to go she didn't have to.

Emma could see the disappointment on her mothers face.

Snow sighed sadly as she looked at the sparkly blue dress she had gotten for Hope to wear. "I missed out on this with you." She told Emma. "I was looking forward to having the opportunity with Hope. I understand she doesn't like dresses and I can't blame her for not wanting to go. But I was looking forward to it." There were tears in her eyes.

"I know mom. But in a few years you'll have Leia, and Alice after her."

Snow gave a watery smile. "I know."

Little did Emma and Snow know, Hope was outside the door listing. She really didn't want to go to the ball, but she didn't want her grandma to be upset either.

One day, David and Killian were sitting and talking when Hope skipped in. "Daddy, can you teach me to dance for the ball?"

Both David and Killian shared a shocked look.

"I thought you weren't going to the ball." Killian frowned.

Hope shrugged. "I wasn't. But Grandma's really sad. I don't want her to be sad. Will you teach me?"

David smiled. His Granddaughter was certainly a special little girl.

Killian grinned. "Of course I will."

For the next week, Killian taught his daughter to Dance. They had kept it a secret from Snow, wanting to surprise her.

David watched Killian dancing with Hope, a sad smile on his face. He had missed this with Emma.

Killian looked up and saw David watching. He looked down at his daughter and said "you know, I'm kind of tired. How about you dance with Grandpa for a bit?"

David looked up in shock.

At first, Hope looked unsure. "But I'm not very good." She said nervously.

"I beg to differ." David said. "I have been watching, and I happen to think you are great."

Hope smiled. "Okay! Come on Grandpa. The ball is tomorrow. Grandma's gonna be so excited."
Hope practically dragged her Grandfather to the middle of the floor where they had been practicing.

David thanked Killian that night. "Thank you, for giving me that chance. I had dreamed about doing it with Emma, but then...the curse...it never happened. So thank you."

Killian nodded.

The next night was the ball. Hope picked at her dress. "It's itchy, mom." She complained.

Emma smiled. "I know, Ladybug. But it's just for tonight and then it's over. You're going to make your Grandma so happy."

When Snow saw Hope walk into the ballroom that evening, she gasped. Tears came to her eyes. "Hope?"

"Hi Grandma."

"I thought you didn't want to come. Did your mom talk you into it?"

Emma shook her head. "This was all Hopes idea. She wanted to do it for you."

"Are you surprised Grandma?"

Snow bent down and pulled her granddaughter into a hug. "I am very surprised!" She said.

"Daddy and Grandpa taught me to dance." Hope said.

Snow smiled. "Well, I can't wait to see you dance."

David smiled. "May I have this dance?" He asked as he bowed.

Hope nodded.

Snow and Emma watched with smiles on their faces, as Hope danced. Hope was definitely a very special little girl.

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