"We have to ask sir, how did this happen" a paramedic asked as they began putting Marco on a stretcher.

Rafael glanced at Alex and then turned back to the paramedic "I wasn't there but I know he got into a little fight on the way home from school. I'm thinking it might have suddenly happened due to that" Rafael lied.

The triplets were shocked that their father didn't immediately give Alex up.

The others weren't suprised knowing their dad would do anything to protect them.
Skye who was doing her best not to cry anymore managed to free herself from James and headed towards the paramedic, of course James followed wanting to be there to take a hit If their dad or one of the paramedics got angry.

"will he be okay" she asked.

The paramedic smiled "yeah your brother will be back to normal in no time don't worry"

She nodded and buried her head back into James chest who was quick to wrap his arms around her.

"We need to take him now" another paramedic spoke.

"Lorenzo keep them seperated for tonight, no junk food, bedtimes still apply, no parties Nico" Rafael spoke as he tried to parent his kids whilst walking out with the paramedics.

"All of you listen to Lorenzo. He's in charge"  he continued.

"I got this dad.  Let me know what happens" Lorenzo said.

Rafael nodded and with one quick goodbye he was off.

Lorenzo in charge, his brothers usually rolled their eyes with how strict he was but everyone was too worried for Marco.

"It's getting late, Skye James why don't you go hang out in one of your rooms then go to bed" Lorenzo spoke. Even though his words seemed like a suggestion, his tone told them different.

James didn't want to leave Skye. She was about to break so he worked up the courage to ask Lorenzo "can we stay together in the same room tonight please, Lorenzo sir"

Lorenzo hated how he was addressed "yes just make sure you get some sleep and drop the sir" he replied.

James carefully took Skye upstairs.

"Nico go to your room too," Lorenzo said once they had left.

Alex was still emotionless and once his younger siblings were out of the way, he led Alex to the living room. Leo followed not knowing what to do. He should have kept a better eye on them and Marco would be okay. He didn't say anything he just watched silently as Lorenzo sat Alex down and then sat down himself before pulling Alex into him hugging him.

"I can understand a few hits Alex especially after how he treated you but this? Please talk to me" Lorenzo said.

"It's my fault, I should have kept a better eye on them. Alex obviously didn't mean it" Leo said sitting across from them.

"I meant it. I hate him. I hate him so much. He's taking Skye from me. He beat me up , he beat James up and you side with him" Alex said.

"We know he beat you up that's why I can understand a few hits but not hospitalising him" Lorenzo explained gently.

"It's not my fault he didn't defend himself. He's stupid and he's weak"

Lorenzo was trying his best to be calm, to understand Alex but this was Marco. Marco, the brother who annoyed him, who had anger issues worse than him, the brother who woke up every day blaming himself for the triplets bring taken, the brother who fought hard for them

"Marco is a dick but he is not weak. He may have let his anger out on you alot but he wouldn't go this far.  I'm trying to understand you Alex"

"I don't need understanding, just let me go " Alex said however he made no effort to leave Lorenzo's comforting hold.

"As you wish"Lorenzo replied letting him go.
"You are to go straight to bed and you will not disturb Skye and James tonight"

Alex wanted to argue but Lorenzo's tone was something he didn't want to defy.

So he left.

"What the hell happened " Lorenzo asked once Alex had left.

Leo explained everything he knew and Lorenzo nodded. He needs a therapist, they all do but Alex especially, he needs to know he has people to protect his siblings and that he's a kid Lorenzo thought to himself
He gathered that his brother had finally snapped.

Meanwhile upstairs, Skye clung to James, they rarely if ever had seen their brother like this. It scared them. Skye didn't dare let go of James all night.

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