1Year olds?!?!

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Skip 1 year.

Its been a year since I gave birth to Kælin and Jackson (Jack). The whole family got matching outfits. I got to see Haylie she stayed down for a week. "Hubby. Lets get the kids washed up and Changed." I hear my newly married Husband yell. "Okay be up in a minute. I said running up the stairs to the washroom where my husband and kids were. I grabbed Kælin and undressed her for her bath. I took her to the other washroom though. Taylor and I got finished bathing the kids, and I grabbed all four matching outfits. I got Kælin dressed while Taylor dressed Jackson. "Dada." I hear Kælin say. its not her first world. Her first words were I wuv you. and so was Jacksons. After were done changing them I give Kælin to taylor and hop in the shower for 10 minute. I hop out and grab my clothes then Taylor gives me the kids and does the same. Kæ and Jack can both walk and its our first time wearing the matching outfits and they are cute. Its our family photoshoot today so we decided to wear our outfits. we are all dressed and we drive to the photoshoot. "Kælin, Jackson, Addi, and Taylor Caniff." I say. "Right this way." the guys says holding a camera and leading us out the door. Its like a private road thing. He situates us with our backs facing him. Taylor to the right, the Kæ in between him and Jack, the Jack is between Kæ and I. Taylor is wearing a blue shirt that says "Daddy Caniff 1" on the back with blue skinny jeans and timberlands. the Kæ is wearing a Pink shirt the says "Little Caniff 1" on it with blue skinny jeans and mini timberlands. Then Jack is wearing a blue shirt that says "Little Caniff 2" with blue skinny jeans and mini timberlands and lastly me im in a Pink shirt that says "Mommy Caniff 2".
About an hour later we got finished out photoshoot.

Im sorry this chapter is short and sucky but i have major Writers block so I just wing it so bare with me okay? Okay. thanks guys for all the views love from me to you😍😘❤️ oh an go check my new book... When the time comes (will you be there?)

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