The Mall

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We get to the mall after a whole bunch of catching up in the car.
We walk into the Mall and the first place we head toward is Orange Julius. "Can I get, a Large Banana Smoothie please." Taylor orders first.
Nash and Haylie have a separate order then Tay and I. "Um, I will have the sa-." I try to say. "Um, babe its okay." Tay interrupts. "She means give us two straws." He says to the boy working the cash. "Is that all for today?" He says. "Uh, Yup." I say back. He rings us through it only cost $5.
Nash and Haylie then order. But I don't really know what they ordered. They ordered separately though. Tay and I went on the escalator upstairs, while Nash and Haylie stayed downstairs. Taylor Held my hand the whole time we were in the Mall. "You know, You look better in my clothes, then I look in them." He says to me. "Uh. Really. I don't." I say. He has an evil smile. "What was that smile about." I ask
"You'll see." Taylor says. "Ugh.Okay."


Im taking her to a jewelry store. I wonder how she is going to react. We get to the store. Im holding her hand as she goes to pass the store. "BABYGIRL. Were going in here." I say. "B-but. fine." she says. "Hey. um, pick the ring you like the most." None were wedding rings but the one she chose is like the exact one I was looking at. The Girl took it out of the case and we looked at it and she tried it on. It was the perfect fit. And really expensive. Im glad though. It was probably the most expensive in the who store. I was gold with a heart shaped diamond. "You want this." The lady behind the counter asks. "Yup. we'll take it." I say popping the 'P. I look at Addi to make sure its the one she wanted. she nodded. "So. It will come to $2500 please." See its pretty expensive. I pay with my MasterCard and we leave the store. "Hey, I'm going to take you to 'Jewelry Ingravers'(madeup) to get a certain ingravement." I say. She just looks at me and smiles. We get to the store. "Hello. Im Kaelin. How may I help you Today." The lady asks. I had a feeling we were going to be here around this time and it was about 2:55 PM and you have to make an appointment so I made one for 3:00PM. "Um, Yes I am here for your 3 o'clock appointment." I say. As she rummages through the appointment book. "Um, Mrs, and Mr Caniff?" She asks. I reply with "Yep thats us." I obviously made Addi smile by putting us both by Caniff. I had to though cause it would be kind of awkward to have Mrs. Thompson, and Mr. Caniff. especially when we are together and I got her a ring. "Yeah, so what would you like ingraved?" Someone else asks this time. "I would like to get 'Addison + Taylor. 9/18/15'." I said. BTW the date is Addis birthday and also when we got together. (The order the date is in if you jw (M/D/Y)). "Awh Babe." Addi says quietly. We wait a half hour before they are done with the ring. Addi hasn't put it on yet cause I told her to wait until we got out of here. We get out of the store.


"Tay. Why did you get me this ring?" I say questioning him and holding it up. "Oh, Babe. I didn't tell you?... Its a promise ring." OMG OMG OMG. After we were finished in the mall I hung out with Haylie and told her. she was so happy for me.

AUTHORS NOTE: HEY. its me again. anyways. Its almost TAYLORS AND ADDIS 4th Month. and HAYLIE AND NASHS 3.5 month. So Yeahh

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