Chapter 12

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A Lot happened an the last year. Well it sucks cause to start I haven't seen Haylie as much since we moved. Haylie is living with Nash. Taylor and I are engaged and I'm ready to pop out my babies anytime now. Taylor will have to quit work for a while saying I'm having twins. He really wanted kids so We did it unprotected. Crazy right? Anyways we wanted it to be a surprise gender so we are waiting until they are born. A few of my friends know the gender so they got me stuff for them and I don't get it until I'm in the hospital. Yeah were having a baby shower there when I have them. I cant wait to find the gender(s). "Hunny, Im home" My thoughts get interrupted by Taylor. "In the kitchen." I yell. He walks in the kitchen and kisses me. Not long after he kisses my big stomach. "The doctor said you should be relaxing and not standing all the time." he says worriedly. "I don't give a fuck with what the doctor said." I say. "Holy calm down Mama." Taylor says pissing me off even more.

Skip to next morning

I wake up at 6:30 AM with horrible pains. I get up, get in the bath relax for and little and get out. I wrap my beach towel around my body and go to Taylor and I's room. My towel covers me just right but I take it off cause it gets uncomfortable. Taylor wakes up to me not beside him. Oh well. He obviously sees me when he says. "Oh Good Morning babe." I didn't say anything I was to focused on deciding what to wear. I get to my dress section in my closet. I choose my Floral Dress that goes to my knees and flairs out at the bottom. I then put on my floral Vans to match the dress. I look cute in the outfit. Especially with my baby belly. "Awe. Babe. You look cute." Taylor says as he walks towards the bathroom. "Thanks, Love you." "Love you to." he says quickly. He grabs a towel and gets in the shower. He makes it quick so he is not away from me long. he comes out shirtless with a towel around his waist. He walks over to me and kisses me gently. I feel his abs as he does so. LOL. he then plants little kisses on each side of my belly, and says "Its daddy, I love you." he rubs my belly for a minute and then decides to get dressed. He changes into Kakis and a Shirt that says "Im gonna be a daddy!" I smiled as I looked at it. He just leaves his hair cause Damn it was perfect. "Wanna go out for brekky?" He asks. "Umm. Do I ever."
After breakfast. GUESS WHAT?!? My water broke great. MY FAVOURITE DRESS. LIKE SRSLY? Taylor rushed to the hospital it took us 15 minutes. We walked to the counter and Taylor helped me. "Addison Thompson." He said as they brought out a wheelchair and pushed me in it. Taylor ran to stay close. "Taylor. I love you." "I love you more Addison." "Not in the mood for arguing but I win." I say "Fine." he gives in. We get to the room and I get placed on the bed.

-1 Hour Later.-

I had my kids and the are being tested to make sure nothing is wrong. The doctors come in. "Are they healthy" I hear Taylor ask.


The doctors came in with the babies. I asked if they were healthy. The doctors said yes and handed us the babies as they left. It was a little boy and a little girl. We already knew since they said it while they came out. They asked me if I wanted to cut the umbilical cords so I did.


Taylor look happy with our kids. He handed me our little girl. We decided on names a while ago and what we would do if it was both a boy and girl.
The doctor came in, with a note pad thing. "Do you have names for you children?" She asked. "Um yes Kælin Addison Leigh May Caniff." I said. "and... Jackson Taylor Michael Caniff." Taylor finished. she handed us the birth slips so we could spell them properly. About 3 days later we left the hospital and went home.

Sorry to skip so many time but I want them to be a year ild so yeahhhh...

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