Once I sat in my past position, I inject the lithium in her arm and wait besides her until it properly kicks in.

I wrap my arms around her pulling her towards my chest and gently stroke her head as some of her tears fall onto my baggy white t-shirt.

I hate seeing my family like this... broken, lost, but after awhile you get used to it when it's the only thing you have and eventually that darkness that pain, it begins to hold comfort.

A few minutes pass before I force myself to get up and get ready for school, but before I leave I make sure my mum was in bed and comfortable.

Luckily she had went up with no fight and let me tuck her in tightly, then I leave her in peace shutting the door behind me heading to my room to change clothes and get ready.

I open my drawers looking for some decent clothes and decide on a long sleeve, cropped green top with a slight slit in it just above my chest, some plain black cargos, and the green jordans I had spent months saving for.

Dont get me wrong we live in a big house and have a lot money but I'd never ask for money not since last time, so I decided to pay for everything myself.

Once I've gotten dressed I do my hair, brush my teeth, then grab my bag and head down the stairs for school.

Before I leave I stroke gin, saying goodbye to her, then leave.

I finally make it to school, slight sweat trickling down the side of my face since I had to sprint when I found out I was 10 minutes late.

Everyone in this school were bought up in rich, perfect households, I was surprised when my parents signed me up for the school, and paid for it, but when I think about it my dad was drunk so it makes sense.

I walk through the school gates, passing through crowds of people. Once I saw Alex I quickly headed over towards him, since he was pretty much my only friend.

Before I got the chance to make it over to him a few of his friends had made it to him first they were by far the most popular group in our school.

Alex, literally my only friend, an amazing cook and musician, he's also really sweet.

Jacob, the quiet, skaterboy who is by far one of the hottest guys in our school.
Katie, definitely the prettiest girl in our school, she's literally a model and i would kill for her body and her life, she's absolutely stunning.
And then there's, Liam, the hot basket baller who is by far the biggest player in our school, he's probably slept with way over half the girls in the school.

Instead of carrying on my path towards the group, I change directions, put my head down, and just head for class.

I walk through the corridors, blocking out the noise of constant conversation and laughter, making my way through the piles of crowds cramped into the hallways. Once I made it to the classroom, I push open the door sitting in the very back waiting for the class to start, which was in around 5 minutes.

I place all of my books and supplies down, grabbing my sketch book out my bag and just begin drawing zoning out and concentrating in onto the photo.

Time flies and before I know it, the bells ringing, and the classroom is being filled by groups of people some still laughing and stuck in conversation and the rest frowned from the fact we were stuck in a maths classroom for around an hour.

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