"Really? I knew his class was bad but not that bad." I say out of surprise

"Yea, well anyway we gotta go to our classes so we'll see ya later" billy says

"Ok see ya" I reply as the blonde and brunette walk away

I notice Felix is still sitting there at his desk packing up <should I say something?>

"He-" I get cut off by someone walking up to Felix and striking a conversation

<I guess he's busy.>
I walk off to my next class

3rd pov

The random person says to Felix, "hey, Felix I was just thinki-" Felix chimes in yea whatever not paying attention to what the random person saying
"Why you looking at the new kid? What, you got an interest in him?"

"Felix turns to the rando kid "maybe I do, idk something seems familiar about him? Like I've met or seen him somewhere?"



Kids pov

I walk with my lunch box to the cafeteria nugget sees me and waves towards me as I walk to the table where nugget, billy, Lily, Cindy, and penny are sitting

"Nuggets friend is here." Nugget says sitting back down

"I am" I say sitting down next to nugget

"So I hear you have a class with Cindy and billy?" Lily says taking a sip of the soda

"Yea, we do you also wanna know who else is in our class?" Billy says

"Who?"penny asks

"Felix Huxley." Billy says
Everyone looks shocked
"Wait- your saying Felix Huxley, the snobby rich twin at our kindergarten is in math with all of you?!" Lily says with utter surprise

"Unfortunately." I blurt out

"Your only saying that cause you have a crush on him." Penny and Cindy tease Kid

"N-NO I DONT" I say all flustered

"OOOOO KIDS GOT A CRUSH! " Lily and billy teasing kid

"SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT AND ILL REVEAL ALL YOUR DIRTY SECRETS!" I yell towards all of them in embarrassment

As soon as I said that they all got embarrassed and silent real quick

"Ahem! As nugget was about to say before all the embarrassment, nugget would like to introduce the new student council member." Nugget says while standing up from the table

"Oh right I forgot about that, alright then let's go. We'll see you guys later."

"Bye" everyone says as we walk off

We walk out of the cafeteria and down the hall into the library, we take a seat at one of the booths near the windows.

"Nugget and friend, will now wait for their arrival."

Wait about a few minutes before nugget points out the new student council member who's walking towards our booth

I look up when they arrive at the booth

To my utter disbelief....

"Hello, my name is Felix Huxley, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." As he puts out his hand for a handshake

I can feel my face burning red, snap out of it!

"Um hello it's very nice to meet you." I shake his hand his hands were much bigger than mine

"S-So I believe that you'll be joining the s-student council." I stutter as I try to calm down my face

"Yes, I do belie- I'm sorry but are you ok you seem to be sick, or something your face is a little red." Felix says all worried

"No no no I'm perfectly fine just a little hot in here." I laugh nervously

<somebody help save me from all this embarrassment!>

The bell rings
<school I would never think this but you are a life saver>

"O-oh there's the bell, I should go don't wanna be late!" I say immediately grabbing my stuff and rushing out the door of the library.


"Oh, I should probably go it was a pleasure to meet you." He says as he gets up and walks out as well

*sigh* "nuggets plan didn't work as well as I hoped for, but that's ok, eventually everything will fall into line." Nugget says as he still sits at the booth



"Ahem" alright then are we waiting on any of the other members?" I say at the end of the table

"Nugget does not think so?" Nugget says trying to think

"We have the new member today." Monty says getting the attendance sheet

"R-right" I say my face having a light shape of pink on my face

"Wait, why did you become so flustered when Monty mention the new kid?" Carla says with a smirk

"Nugget believes that nugget's friend has feelings towards the new boy."


"Ooooooo kid has a crush! Kid has a crush!" Carla teases him even more

"I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON FELIX HUXLEY!" I yell out loud to the point I think kids down the hall heard
My face goes red in embarrassment

The room goes quiet with shocked faces all around "wait.. Felix he went to our kindergarten through 2nd grade together." Carla says

Little does the group know Felix heard kid. Outside the door as he was about to open it. Felix's face goes red, as he sits and turns his back towards the door, his heart beating,

"No wonder, I was interested in him. We liked each other in kindergarten til 2nd grade!" Felix says to himself after overhearing Carla through the door.

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(1644 words damn )

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