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The cold air sent chills down everyone's spines as lightening flashed lighting up the dark room. The sound of thunder roared as a figure stepped into the doorway. The people in the small house shook with fear as the giant shadow approached with a frightening growl. The unknown creature slowly began walking up to it's soon to be victims, stalking it's prey. A woman in the group cried out for help as the creature showed it's razor sharp fangs. Drool oozing from it's mouth, the creature got closer as it got ready for the kill. Just as the monster was about to strike, a voice spoke up from behind the creature.

I think you're looking for your dinner in the wrong place.

The creature looked back and saw a tall, strong, noble, brave, mighty hero standing in the doorway.

We're saved.

The woman's face lit up, knowing that her hero had come. She ran and quickly took shelter behind the brave warrior.

Thank the gods you're here.

Fear not my fair maiden for I will not allow any harm to come to you. Now stand back while I dispatch of this beast.

The warrior drew their sword., and prepared to charge the monster.

Wait before you go, please great hero. Could you tell me your name.

The brave and strong warrior looked at the woman and gave her a stunningly attractive smile.

Of course my lady. I am the great hero known far and wide as Joxer, Joxer The Mighty.

The ruggedly handsome Joxer The Mighty ran towards the monster. Swinging his sword and carving into it's flesh with his trusty blade. The creature's blood sprayed on the floor. The creature swung at Joxer with its claws. But he was too fast and blocked. Then cut the monster again. The creature roared as it backed away, trying to retreat.

Ha ha there is no escape foul beast.

Joxer charged in and drove his sword through the creature. The creature whimpered as more of it's blood was spilled. The great hero yanked his blade out as the monster fell dead. The woman ran over to her new hero.

Oh thank you for saving me great hero.

No need to thank me fare lady, your safety is all the thanks I need.

The woman hugged him and kissed his cheek.

Now let's get you out of here.

Joxer lifted the woman into his strong arms and began walking towards the door. But then the door slammed shut as an evil laugh echoed through the room.

You think you've won? Fools now you're trapped. You're mine!

Joxer put the woman down as he looked around for the creature.

Come out and face me.

The creature laughed, as Joxer saw blood begin to run down the walls and seep up through the floor boards.

You're doomed! DOOMED! AH HA HA HA HA!

Stop! For the love of the gods just stop.


Joxer looked at Xena who was sitting on the other side of the campfire.

This story is ridiculous.

No it's very, very scary. Right Gabby?

Joxer looked at Gabrielle who was sitting next to Xena.

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