"This shit is ghetto...y'all don't know how to act, next time you want to invite me somewhere make sure you leave your ghetto ass personality at home" Shanea stood up collecting her bag and her phone from the table.

"Girl I'm coming with you" I shouted at Shanea, Manoeuvring around Kae kicking her legs.


London, Old Kent road

I made it back to my Mum's house, but nobody was home. I can't wait to move out with Shanea I'm tired of living here. After the incident at the lounge I just booked an Uber home, cause I certainly don't have time to sit around engaging in beef...please take me out the mix.

I took off my dunks and went upstairs into the bathroom to wipe off my makeup.

"Damn I left this bathroom real messy huh"

I gathered all my makeup and dumped it all into my makeup bag. I really need to buy a new makeup bag cause this shit is rotting.


I lifted my head up and looked into the bathroom mirror to see Kesean standing behind me.

"How the fuck did you get inside the house?"

"Err the front door was open"

How can my dumbass self forget to close the front door..this is how people get killed in their homes. I'm more shocked at the fact Kesean came to see me, cause I'm pretty sure he made it clear in Morrisons' car park that he never wanted to see me again. After Jay found out Kesean was going to be my baby Father he's been acting real distant, we haven't spoke since the incident at Clavish's house. I won't lie I still have feelings for Jay but I also like Kesean.

"Oh yeah I be forgetting to close the door" I said awkwardly.

The room fell into a deep silence. This was just soo awkward. How can he come to my house but have nothing to say...like I must be making him shy or something.

"Erm so what did you come here for?" I turned around and asked him.

He lifted his head up from the floor and stared into my eyes. Kesean is much more taller than me so when I look up at him it's like looking up to the Shard.

"Man came here to chat to you still...er I feel like I've been unfair to you, if you know what I mean" Kesean mumbled.

"Mhm continue" I said crossing my arms. Let's see what this boy has to say for himself.

"I apologise for how I came across when you told me you was pregnant...It was just shocking to me I can't lie and I was dealing with some other shit on top of that"

"Hmm I forgive you..I should of told you at a better time, I don't know I was just under a lot of pressure and I didn't know who to tell, I couldn't tell Shanea in case she gets mad at me for fucking her brother, I was scared to tell my Mum cause that women is crazy she would have my ass ship to Jamaica in less than 5 hours and I still haven't told her..I generally didn't know who to go to so I came to you" I felt so much better opening up to Kesean, I feel like I can understand him more on a deeper level when we communicate instead of arguing with one another.

He stepped in closer to me and grabbed both of my hands. "What matter is mans here for you now, and I ain't leaving you...or my son"

"Nigga how do you know it's a boy" I laughed. "It could be a girl".

"Nah it's going to be a boy, I don't want no girl they too miserable" he moaned.

"What you trying to say?" I screwed him.

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