

'Why can't I remember?'

"And that's all I remember. I'm sorry I can't be of any more assistance." Tokoyami sighed wearily, completely drained from the task, only to feel a pat on his shoulder.

"It's alright lad. You aren't at fault. No need to worry." Recovery Girl told him, sincerely. "And you have recovered well. You just need rest now, which is why I'm sending you home."

Tokoyami nodded his head, his shoulders slouched tiredly, ready to get home and ready for bed.

Listen to the sound of my voice, Child of Darkness...

After the disaster of a training session, the day ended with the setting of the sun and the lull of students trailing out of U.A's titanic gates. All except a select few.

Izuku looked over the campus with his sole eye, drinking in his surroundings as he wrote the lay of the land for Aegis to compile into a map for him to use.

Whilst doing this, he was communicating with Aegis about the incident during training.

"Aegis, what do you think this is?" The disembodied voice hummed.

"Operator, this is beyond my knowledge. Or anybody's knowledge. This is completely unknown." Izuku ran a hand over his forearm.

"Any theories?" Izuku's companion paused, thinking.

"I believe that it is the Void and reality merging, an incursion of reality and non-reality. This is the opening volley of its attack. Or... It's testing us. Our defences. Our weaknesses."

Neither of which Izuku liked; This felt like a prelude to something far greater than he was, than any hero vs villain conflict was here. It was beyond the scale of mortal comprehension, a higher form of war that they were not ready to deal with.

Something he doubted anyone would survive.

Already, the Man was acting, moving his pawns on his board as the drums of war began to beat. Darkness loomed on the horizon, far darker than any seen before, it was a swirling Void, all consuming and unforgiving.

But, just as Rell had become, Izuku too would step up; he would be the righteous hand, heavy and burdened, the stalwart against the abyss, the lone light in the dark, for no other of this world could, unless more Tenno joined him.

It would be up to him alone to chain the Man back to the Void, to not let his Chaos spread further. To prevent his world, and many more from collapsing.

Worrying his lip, Izuku pushed the thought back for now. The Void was still stable, this incident was more akin to a fissure at the moment. Small and containable. The barrier between reality and unreality was still there, and it would be Izuku's mission to strengthen that barrier to stop the leaks from happening.

Void-Touched VeridianWhere stories live. Discover now