30. Ship in a Bottle

Start from the beginning

"Y/n... you did this to yourself," Willow mumbled. "What?" I mumbled. "Everyone would be fine if you could just have controlled your emotions. And because you couldn't, I might never see my dads again! I would still have a home!" She clutched her shirt as tears leaked from her eyes. "What? No! That... That can't be my fault!" I walked closer to Willow. "Who's fault would it be then? Belos? Collector? Luz? They did nothing compared to you. You helped Belos get the Collector, you became friends with Hunter and then Belos found out who you were, you helped activate the spell, and you put everyone in danger because of your bad decisions." Willow shouted as she walked closer.

"Yeah, and now, your friends have lost it all." I heard Hunter from behind Willow. My heart dropped when I saw Hunter in his golden guard outfit. I backed away from Willow to avoid bumping into her when I walked to Hunter. "Hunter! We can get them back! We can get everybody's family back!" I took his hands and squeezed them. "And what about mine? What about Flapjack?" He asked. I felt tears build up in my eyes. "Hunter..." I mumbled. "I wish I was never friends with you!" He took his hands back.

I paused and blinked a few times. "Friend?" I tilted my head. "Yeah! And if you thought we could be more, you are wrong!" He told him. I softly cupped his face and rubbed his cheek with my finger. It was rough because of his new scar. "You feel like Hunter, not doll-like..." I mumbled to myself. "But my Hunter wouldn't say this." I smiled at Hunter. "My Hunter wouldn't say this, so you aren't him." I chuckled sadly.

"What are you talking about? I am Hunter." He spat. I simply smiled widener. "Fine. Attack me then." I backed away from him. I noticed Willow was gone again. I noticed Hunter charging at me and I flinched. He gasped and I saw the light come back in his eyes. I noticed pink strings were wrapped around his arms. "Hunter? Is it really you?" I whispered as I held his face. I felt him try to fight back the strings. "It is! Look, I need you to listen to me." He hugged me and squeezed me.

I hugged him back and I buried my head in his shoulder. I tried not to cry so I could hear him. "The Collector took me and everyone. You and Luz are in some type of nightmare so to stop them, you need to wake up." He told me. I felt him shaking and fighting back, still clutching onto me.

"How can I wake up? Would I pinch myself?" I asked with a small chuckle. I felt him pinch my back and I jumped slightly. "Okay, so if I don't do that, what do I do?" I asked. "Think about it dear..." He let go of the hug and I sniffled, as I wiped any tears threatening to spill. "What is the first thing you do when you wake up from a bad dream?" He grabbed my hand. "I-I call you," I admitted, a little jokingly.

"No, silly! You-" Before he could finish I watched his body go limp and he let go of my hand. His eyes went murky and the strings tightened. I gasped as I watched him get pulled away. I felt my knees get weak and I sat down. I wiped my tears again and tried to breathe normally again. I felt my hand get tugged on lightly and I noticed a light orb in my hand.

I blinked for a few long seconds before my environment changed. The floor was checkered and there were big toys surrounding me. I looked at Luz and sniffled again. "Luz..." I mumbled. I saw King and Eda behind her and I finally let my tears fall. "Mom? King?" I shouted before I took them into a hug. I felt Luz hug me too. I heard my mom squeal and I felt her kiss the top of my head multiple times.

"King! Are you alright!" I rubbed his horn before cupping his face. "Yeah! I'm okay! What are you wearing?" King asked. I looked at my outfit and it was back to normal. "Ah, I guess we are twinning." I chuckled as I held King in my arms. I heard Luz cry as she hugged my mom. After she let go I hugged her tightly.

In the Middle of the Night (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now