14. Despair

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Y/n's Pov:

"Well, King whatcha wanna watch?" I asked him. "What were you about to watch with Hunter?" King climbed onto my bed. "We were gonna watch She-ra," I replied. "Then let's watch that," King suggested. "Good idea, kid." Hunter smiled. I got under the covers and Hunter sat next to me. King sat on my lap and my palisman was on my shoulder. I turned She-ra on my magic ball and I put my head on Hunter's shoulder.


~It's not love I swear! It might be closer to despair~

Hunter's Pov:

I am fucking sick of work. It's always something with these coven scouts. I'm basically babysitting a bunch of grown babies. "Um, Golden Gaurd?" Steve came up to me. "What now?" I asked him. "Nevermind, Steve sees your upset." He backed up. "No... Steve, can you be in charge for a bit?" I requested. "Yeah! I got you!" He told me. "Thank you." I smiled under my mask. "I really appreciate it. And if you do a good job, I'll put a good word in for you." I patted his shoulder and walked to my room. I grabbed my staff and teleport to Y/n's room.

I looked around to see her not there. Per usual. I heard something near Y/n's bed and I yelped. Y/n was still in bed. "You are so lazy," I mumbled. I put away my uniform and staff in their spot in Y/n's closet. I tried waking up Y/n by shaking her. She didn't wake up but she didn't look like her usual self. Her nose was red and she had dark bags under her eyes. She woke up and blinked a few times. She sat up and her hair was a mess. She still looked pretty though. "Hunter?" She tilted her head. "What?" I asked.

She chuckled and smiled. "Hi!" She lazily said. "You're pretty." She put her hand on my forehead. I did the same thing and her head was hot. "Yeah, you're sick. I'll be right back." I quickly put my uniform back on and got my stuff together before I teleported back home. I rushed to the kitchen to see a cook. "Hey, can you make me soup and a fairy pie, to-go?" I requested. They nodded and I walked out. "Hey, Kiddo." I heard from behind me. I look to see Raine next to me. "Oh, hi." I leaned on the wall.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" They asked. "Oh, um... Y/n's sick. So Steve's covering it." I replied. "I see... I remember when Eda used to get sick, she would be clingy and she would say the cutest things. If Y/n's anything like her mom, watch out." They warned. I nodded and Raine patted my head. "Make sure she drinks water and gets vitamins." Raine reminded me. "Okay," I told them. "Here I'll bring some good-tasting vitamins to your room before you go over there." Raine left. The chef came to me with my stuff and I went to my room. I got a basket and I put the food in there. I put a water bottle in there and I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and Raine had a bunch of stuff in their hands.

"I thought you were getting vitamins." I helped grab some stuff as they walked in. I closed the door using my foot. "Yeah but it's Eda's kid so I also need to help." They explained. I laughed. "So what the hell did you bring?" I asked. "Okay hear me out. I brought vitamins, dried fruits, a blanket..." They put the stuff down. "Why does she need a blanket?" I loaded the stuff into the basket. "Okay, so not the blanket... But I got some juice!" They added that into the basket. "Thank you, Raine." I smiled. "No problem, kid." They smiled and left my room.

Darius, came in instead with candles, "Here, for your girlfriend." He set them in the basket. "She isn't my girlfriend." I reminded him. "But you wish she was." He smirked. "Shut up!" I turned red and pushed him out. I grabbed my staff and the basket and teleported back to her room.

"Oh, you're back!" She smiled. "Yep." I set the basket down and I put my staff in her closet. I sat criss-cross next to her and I took a hair tie from her nightstand so I tied her hair up. (unless your hair is short) To be honest it wasn't that good. Y/n gasped and sat on my lap. She wrapped her legs around my waist. "Ooo, your hair is shiny!" She took my loose strand and twirled it with her finger. I started to blush. Why is she so cute? "Well, let's eat some food, alright?" I took the soup and I took out the spoon. I took a spoonful and tried feeding her. She pouted and moved away from me. "Y/n? Can you eat it please?" I begged.

She shook her head and I tried a spoonful. "See it's good. I won't feed you something that tastes like shit, I promise." I got another spoonful and attempted to feed her again. She ate it and smiled. "Okay, I'm done!" She claimed. "Uh, no." I scooped another bite.


It was a struggle to get her to finish that. The chef didn't make it right or something because Y/n was still sick. Y/n was clinging onto my arm talking about chicken and apples. In the background, Steven Universe was playing. I opened her juice and I gave it to her. She let go of my arm to take a sip of the drink. "Try some!" She insisted.

I pushed it away. "No thanks," I told her. "What? You don't like juice?" She asked. Her ears went down a bit showing she was already upset. "No, you just drank out of it and I don't want to get sick," I explained. She whined and closed the beverage.  I listened to a song that started to play on the crystal ball. "Okay, I need to go work. I'll be back." I told her. "What?" She tilted her head. "Um, work." I reminded her. "Aw..." She laid down. I tucked her in and I teleported back.


Finally, my shift was done. I went to my room and before I can lock the door I teleported back to Y/n room to see her still asleep. I sighed. At least her room doesn't look like a hell hole. I did see a variety of dishes from fairy pies to soups on her nightstand. There was also a collection of 'get-well-soon' handmade cards from Luz, King, The Owl Lady, Lilypad, and someone named Gwendolyn.

My basket was moved onto the floor. I didn't really mind much. The door got slammed open to reveal Lilith. "Oh, it's you..." She said in a condescending tone. "Just tell her I left with her Grandma Gwen, alright?" She ordered. "Okay, Whiney Goth." I rolled my eyes. She shut the door.

She suddenly sat up. "Hunter? Oh, thank titan your back." She smiled. I nodded and I picked up some vitamins. "Here take these," I ordered. I gave her a water bottle too. "I don't wanna eat this." She told me. "If you do, I'll give you a surprise," I told her. "What is it?" She tilted her head. "I can't tell you." I smiled.

She took them and I squeezed her. I sat down and Y/n took a spot next to me. "Are you feeling better?" I asked her. She nodded. I felt her head and it was significantly cooler. "I guess that soup worked." I played with the loose ends of her hair-do. She had mushrooms on her head and I shook them off.

I heard the same show I put on still playing. "How about we read some of your cards?" I asked her. I heard her softly snoring telling me she was sleeping. I slowly got up and got my staff ready. I heard the end of an episode was playing the song, "Love like You." I looked back at Y/n before leaving.

[Word Count: 1384]

In the Middle of the Night (Hunter x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt