1. Hug me!

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(P/N) means Palisman name

~Hug me! Bring it in! (Wooo) Would ya loosen up, would ya?~

Y/n's Pov:

I was browsing the town center where my mom tried selling things. I was the famous, Owl Lady's daughter. I look at a store and saw Apple Blood for sale. I walked in and grabbed a few. "10 snails." The man at the register told me. I put it on the counter and I ran to my Mom's booth. "Mom, look at what I saw on sale!" I waved the juice at my mom. "I didn't know those were on sale. Thanks, Kiddo!" She patted my head and I smiled.

I saw Owlbert come back with a pile of human objects. "Finally, you're back." Mom picked up the bag. I was about to jump in excitement. I loved human things. Mom picked up her palisman and put it back on her staff. She threw a rectangle thing away saying, "Garbage!" She picked up a pretty object. "Can I get that?" I asked her. "Of course!" She gave it to me and I slipped it on my finger.

"It's a finger object Ma!" I put it in the light. She chuckled as a response. She looked through the bag until she found these weird glasses. "This will make me rich." She put them on. "Eh, looks weird," I commented. "And this... Y/n, do you have this volume?" She showed me a 'The Good Witch Azura' book. She knew I was obsessed with those. "Yeah, I have that one," I replied.

"It will make good kindling then." She put it over the candle. "Well don't burn it!" I was about to grab it but someone else did before me. She has brown hair and a purple and white jacket on. "Excuse me. Sorry. That's mine. Thank you." She quickly said. I noticed something though... She had round ears. She was a human! She was running away but the door she entered closed. "You're not going anywhere." My mom told her. She lifted the tent and started sprinting.

"Hold these for me, sweetie pie." She put the lame glasses in my hand she went after her. I put them on the booth and I rested my head on my hand. I saw my mom come back with the girl and she put her on a stool. "I'm so sorry. I just wanted my book." She explained. "If you're going to eat my skin, just make it quick." She shut her eyes. "Why would we do that?" I asked her. "Especially to a potential customer?" My mom questioned. The girl opened her eyes.

"Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes? A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh how about this black shadowbox that reflects only sadness?" My mom shows her the box. The human laughs as a response. "That's not all it can do. Here, let me see it." She picks up something in the human candy bowl and puts them in the box. The box turned on to show a man dancing. "Voilà!" The girl said. Suddenly people started coming over to the booth asking for it.

"You're smart! What's your name?" I asked her. "I'm Luz. Luz Noceda." She introduced. "I'm Y/n! Y/n Clawthrone! This is my mom, Eda! You know you are pretty smart for a human?" I told her. "That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say." She said. "Oh, babe, We aren't like you," I told her a bit louder so my mom can hear me. "I'm Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!" She stands on the table. I follow her. "A witch?" Luz repeated. "Yeah! We are respected, feared..." I said. "Busted!" A guard interrupted. "Uh oh..." I jump off the table and grab Luz's arm. All the customers ran away.

"Eda, the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors." He held up a poster of my mom, King, and me on it. "You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium!" He told her. "Would you guys quit following us around? We haven't done squat." She retorted. The guard picked Luz and me up by our collars. "And you two are coming too for fraternizing with a criminal." He announced. "What?! That's not cool!" She shouted. I roll my eyes. "(P/N)!" I shouted and my black owl came to me. They just flew next to me.

In the Middle of the Night (Hunter x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें