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Few days later -

Kimberly chewed her breakfast listening to Tristan talk on his phone.
"I don't care do as I fucking asked or I can promise you your life isn't the only thing you'll be loosing." Tristan said and then hung up the phone.
"Baby come sit. Eat breakfast." Kimberly demanded.
Tristan was annoyed. He had been these past couple of days. However he wouldn't tell her what was the problem.
"Sit." Kimberly said.
Tristan walked over to her and sat down he picked over his breakfast still not really eating.
Kimberly grabbed his hand and he looked at her.
"What is the problem maybe if you just told me-"
"No. I can't." Tristan looked away.
Kimberly frowned. "You're in the Mafia I know. But don't leave me in the dark with everything if it is bothering you this much-"
"The less you know the better you are." Tristan said and he stood up walking around the island. He huffed. "You're safer when you don't know anything-"
"But it's bothering you. I just wanna help you solve your issues as you help me." Kimberly said softly.
Tristan walked over and held her face. "Something you just don't need to worry about." He moved her hair out of her face. "Ok?"
Kimberly nodded.
Tristan leaned down and kissed her lips softly. Kimberly kissed him back as well enjoying his lips on hers. She missed him. It had been a few days.
Kimberly led kisses down his neck and he put his head back enjoying the feeling. His hands traveled down and he squeezed her ass tightly. Tristan then lifted her and put her on the countertop and they hungrily tried to undress each other.
Tristan's phone rung and he moved off of Kimberly. She panted softly watching as he walked off. Kimberly threw her head back and huffed she then pulled her robe up and decided to just get ready for work.

Time skip-

Kimberly rubbed her head feeling frustrated. She had came to work hoping to find some peace but instead was just met with a lot of problems.
Kimberly's door opened and she looked up at Sasha who held an unreadable expression.
"There's some people here for you." Sasha said.
"I asked not to be disturbed today-"
"I know. But they are from Hr. And Tyra is with them."
Kimberly sighed heavily before she stood up. Ellie stood up as well.
"No no, it's alright Ellie. How about you get yourself some coffee or a sandwich." Kimberly said.
"I insist." She said and then left the room with Sasha following her. The office was extremely quiet no one spoke just everyone doing their work.
At Sasha's desk stood four HR workers and Tyra they all dressed professionally. Two men and two women.
"Good afternoon, I'm Kimberly Ross. How are you." Kimberly said smiling.
"Afternoon Mrs. Ross. I am Damien Washington, Mrs. Venice's attorney. These are my colleagues, from HR." He stated.
"Is something the matter?" Kimberly asked her eye flickering to Tyra for a moment.
"Well we have some minor things to speak of. However let's speak somewhere more private."
Kimberly nodded. "Sasha could you take over. Follow me."
They walked down the hall to a meeting room and they sat down.
"Mrs. Ross it appears you have chosen to ignore all adjustments that Mrs. Venice has tried to make with this company. Which is not fair to her. She does have an ownership of this company."
"A small ownership may I say. The adjustments she spoke up will take the company on a downfall spiral in a few months. I cannot have my company going down." Kimberly crossed her legs.
"This may be true but you still should respect-"
"Respect." Kimberly scoffed. "Pardon me but what she is trying to do to my company shows she has no respect for me."
Tyra smirked.
"Mrs. Ross we are suing you for discrimination, and improper docking of pay-"
"What." Kimberly said loudly. "Discrimination for what? What improper pay-"
"Please conduct yourself accordingly-"
"You can't come in here and say these things when she hasn't even been here-"
"Please leave us." Tyra stated.
The four left and Kimberly stood.
"I don't know who you think you are or what you came in here to do but you won't. You're not going to break my company nor try to harass me because you're pissed off about Tristan. I won't stand for this." Kimberly said.
Tyra smirked and stood up. She walked around the table.
"Kimberly maybe we got off on the wrong foot. You see. I'm here to get what I want and I always get what I want. I want this company, I want this rjng on your finger, I want you gone. Erased from his life so I will have it." She stood in front of Kimberly trying to intimidate her however Kimberly wasn't backing down.
"Hm. You have some fighting spirit in you." She smirked and leaned down to Kimberly's ear. "I'll make sure it's all gone by the time I'm done with you. This world you're about to married in, is not as you think I can assure you. Your weak. You won't survive seeing how ruthless this world gets. If I were you I would go before one of your precious friends get hurt." She stood up and walks off. "If you don't. This will mean war. Have a nice day." She left the room.
Kimberly felt she was crumpled. She clenched her jaw in anger and sat in the chair. Her mind a thousand thoughts at once. She wasn't sure how long she sat there. Maybe hours. Until she felt a hand touch her making her look up to find Tristan.
"You've been in here. In this seat for almost two hours. What did she say." He said.
"She's trying to sue me. She wants you, she wants my place and told me she wouldn't stop. She threatened me and my friends saying if I didn't leave you that it would mean war." Kimberly said.
"Let there be war then." Tristan stated.

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