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Klaus pulled drawers and cabinets open around Damon's office. He doubted that it was a coincidence that Tyler had spilled blood in Damon's office recently before he was murdered. When Klaus pulls on Damon's desk drawers, he gets to the bottom drawer, and opens it breaking the lock. He sees a small black security box. 'Interesting' Klaus said, honestly enjoying snooping and trashing Damon's office.

He easily breaks the lock on the box and opens it. Seeing that it was just a bunch of handwritten letters he almost disregards it, when he glances and sees all of them seem to be addressed to his wife.

Klaus picks up a random letter and begins to read. His face flashes with irritation as he reads the vampire's confession of how he'd wished he'd saved Bonnie the night they fought Silas. He grabs another letter and reads about how he cried himself to sleep after finding out she'd chosen Klaus and was engaged. Klaus rolls his eyes, Damon Salvatore was still, after all these years, pining after his Bonnie. But then he reads a letter that is closer to the top of the pile.

Dear Bonnie,

I'm afraid that this secret I have carried for so long is finally beginning to destroy me. There are so many mistakes I've made in the past, and now it seems like I am doomed to repeat them. I have spilled blood to protect this secret. I wish I could change the past but I know I can't. But I don't know if I can move forward with the mistakes of my past, and my recent mistakes. I'm haunted by my past and I fear my future, so I'm just stuck here in the middle. I don't know how long I can go on like this Bonnie, the weight of everything is crushing me. The only thing that gives me strength is the thought of your smile, and remembering the bells of your laugh. I love you Bonnie and I am forever yours.

Damon Salvatore.

Klaus' eyes widened and he became angry at reading the letter. It didn't take long for Klaus to read between the lines. Tyler had somehow found out about Damon's obsession with Bonnie, and he killed him. Damon was a damn ticking time bomb about to explode. Fear struck Klaus realizing he'd left Bonnie in the same vicinity as that psycho.

Klaus grabs the box, he's about to storm the memorial service and cause a scene in only a manner Klaus has perfected, when a better idea comes to his mind. Klaus takes the letters and tucks them into his coat pocket, it was time for Damon Salvatore to face judgment.

After finals are over, it is finally winter break and Klaus plans on doing nothing but keeping Bonnie in bed. He goes into his study, after finding his bed empty, and finds her hovering over his desk, flipping through multiple grimoires, she barely notices Klaus' arrival. He goes to stand behind her, pushing the chair behind the desk further back, and looking over her shoulder.

"What do we have here?" He casually asks, his hand swatting her bottom, causing Bonnie to playfully jump. Klaus has recently developed a liking to spanking Bonnie, which surprised him, thinking he'd discovered all of his kinks so many years ago.

Bonnie bites her lip trying not to smile at Klaus' swat, she enjoyed the playful spankings as well. "Lucy called she wanted to know if Grams had anything in her grimoires about accelerating the healing abilities of a supernatural. A werewolf she knows was attacked and his foot was smashed, even with his abilities it still will be a while before his foot fully heals, and he is refusing vampire blood."

Bonnie continues to flip through her Grams' grimoire. She also is looking through grimoires that Klaus has in his collection.

Klaus smiles, he knows the perfect spell and exactly where it is located but he quite enjoys his witch in her current position.

"Allow me to help my love" he says too sweetly, and Bonnie is immediately doubtful of his intentions.

"Really?" She says as she feels Klaus press his torso against her bottom, his head lying on her shoulder as he pretends to flip through a grimoire.

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