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Damon sits quietly during the memorial service. For the first time some emotions of regret began to fill him as he stares at the urn of Tyler's remains on the mantel.

He feels Elena hold his hand, dabbing tears from her eyes as they listen to the string quartet play its somber music. He shifts uncomfortably and his eyes float to Bonnie, sitting at the end of the row beside Caroline. She looks so beautiful, and she hadn't aged at all. Questions swirl around Damon's head as he notices that Klaus is nowhere to be found. He wonders why he would leave before the service even began. But then again it's not as if Klaus actually cared about their friend group, even if Tyler was one of his hybrids.

Klaus pulls papers out of Tyler's office at the city council. Everyone was attending Tyler's funeral so the whole building was empty, giving Klaus the opportunity to look around. He glanced at papers and opened drawers, trying to find any clue as to what Tyler had that was so valuable it cost him his life. No defensive wounds made Klaus believe Tyler had known his attacker and wasn't expecting to lose his life. After pulling the last drawer open he found nothing of importance or out of the ordinary.

Klaus exits Tyler's office, on his way out the door of the building, when a familiar name on one of the office doors catches his attention. Curiosity gets the better of him and he finds himself turning the knob of Damon's office, easily breaking the lock and opening the door.

When Klaus enters Damon's office his eyes widen at the faint smell of blood...Tyler's blood. He knows the scent of one of his hybrids. Klaus is an ancient vampire and his senses are better than the younger naïve vampire who probably believes his cleaning job was sufficient to cover the tracks from other vampires and supernaturals. But not someone as old as Klaus. "What have you done Damon Salvatore" Klaus muses to himself out loud as he begins to open drawers in Damon's office.

Bonnie sighs and sits across from Elena and Caroline at the bakery. The waiter takes her order for her usual cookie milkshake. As soon as the waiter leaves Caroline points at Bonnie's ring on her finger, "explain!?" she yells.

Bonnie can't hide the happiness in her eyes. "Klaus proposed" she says simply. Caroline and Elena gasp. "More details" Caroline presses. This proposal is very surprising to Caroline and Elena. Caroline suspected that Bonnie and Klaus were moving fast, but Klaus actually proposing to Bonnie was unexpected. Elena was also surprised. She always assumed this thing with Klaus was a phase and eventually Bonnie or Klaus would get bored or tired of each other and the relationship would fizzle out.

Elena glanced enviously at the ring, her and Damon had been dating longer than anyone and they hadn't even brought up the prospect of marriage.

When Caroline pushes for more details of the proposal, Bonnie doesn't tell them about his impromptu proposal after her confession of love. It would cause her to bring up the drama with Damon, which she didn't want to get into, and also her telling Klaus she loved him was a private moment she wanted to keep to herself. She opts to tell them Klaus' second proposal.

"We were sitting in his study and talking, when suddenly he pulled a ring out, got on one knee and proposed." Bonnie said glancing from Caroline to Elena.

"Wow Bonnie, congratulations I can't believe you're getting married...to Klaus!" Caroline says, her voice surprised, but still happy. If Bonnie was happy, Caroline would be happy for her then.

"Yea Bon congrats" Elena said softly, placing her hand on Bonnie's ring. It was a gorgeous diamond. Elena felt envious of the progress Bonnie and Klaus had seemed to make overnight.

"Thanks guys" Bonnie says.

The waiter arrives with her milkshake and she sips, letting her news settle between Caroline and Elena.

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