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On Saturday morning Bonnie and Rebekah go over to Bonnie's place to pack a few clothes for her, and for her to get the rest of her books for class. While they're sorting through her closet, Rebekah will make a remark every now and then on how her style hasn't evolved much since she was 16, they listen to music and discuss trivial things, overall the activity is peaceful. Who would've known that Rebekah Mikaelson would become such a good friend.

Rebekah places a pair of wedge hills into Bonnie's suit case. She was definitely going to take her shopping, the little witch needed to step her wardrobe up. "So, when are you going to tell your friends about Damon, the wolves, and his little love confession?" Rebekah asked curiously.

Bonnie sighed. While she'd been living off the high of Klaus' proposal and now moving in with him, the realities of everything else were starting to pour in. "I've been thinking...I don't know if I'm going to tell them." Rebekah paused in her packing and turned to look at Bonnie who was placing books into her bag.

"You're just going to let him get away with what he did?" Rebekah asked confused. Bonnie sat on her bed, rubbing her fingers on her temple. "It's so chaotic, I can't even process all of it. Damon saying that he thinks he's in love with me. Then what he did with the wolves. I just want to push it to the back of my mind and focus on other things...I just want to focus on my happiness. If I tell everyone what Damon did with the wolves they'll want to know why, and then if I tell them about his love confession, it will create more drama and chaos. Honestly...Damon isn't worth all the trouble..." Bonnie said.

Klaus had left everything up to her. Since she'd politely asked him not to kill Damon, he had no interest in what became of Damon after that. Bonnie just wanted to be happy, and if that meant keeping Damon's secret to her chest and not revealing his ridiculous acts from a few days ago, then so be it. Damon wasn't worth the drama, or the explanation. She had other more important things to think about.

Rebekah laughed, "that is something your correct on, Damon Salvatore isn't worth the drama." Bonnie smiled. "So...when are you going to tell your friends about your engagement?" Rebekah asked, zipping up the suitcase. Bonnie shrugged. "I've just wanted to live in my own bubble of happiness with Klaus for a while. I'll tell them soon though."

Damon sits at the kitchen table watching Elena and Caroline drink blood, while Stefan makes breakfast. Two days and no word from Bonnie. He is becoming worried and agitated.

"Have either of you talked to Bonnie?" He asks casually. Elena shrugs, "she's probably so busy with Klaus she's forgotten all about us" Elena tries to say casually and light but the slight bitterness to her tone is not overlooked by the other vampires in the room.

"Ooooor she's just getting ready for finals before winter break. I text her last night, she said she was going to be studying all weekend, besides she told me Klaus is out of town." Caroline chided.

Damon absorbs the information keeping his face neutral. "So they are still together?" Damon asks. Elena once again shrugs, slightly irritated about Damon's concern for who Bonnie was sleeping with, even if it was a crazy homicidal hybrid. Caroline narrows her eyes, she's been picking up on Damon's obsession with Bonnie and Klaus' relationship. "I assume so. If they weren't together anymore, I'd like to think Bonnie would've told us" Caroline answers.

Damon nods and picks up his cup of blood. He watches the red liquid swirl around in his cup, he has no appetite.

Bonnie lies fast asleep tucked into Klaus' bed. She stirs when she feels the shift in the bed, and the strong arms that wrap around her. Bonnie smiles as Klaus' scent invades her nostrils. She feels his soft lips place a chaste kiss on her neck. "Your back" she sleepily whispers, the smile forming on her lips involuntarily. Klaus smiles, "I am love. Now go back to sleep" he says, pulling her back closer to his chest, tucking her curls under his chin.

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