12| Bayview

7 0 0

G: Ready for this?

Hugo: My hands are actually sweating.

Hugo: What if we lose?

G: Pfft. As if.

Hugo: If you give me a huge ego boost and we lose, that's going to be embarrassing for both me and you.

G: I'm just saying. You're going to win.

I actually don't even know anymore. We're against Bayview High, and they've come off strong since the beginning of the season. We lost to them once—and we have never lost to them. Even Camber High for crying out loud lost to them, and that game got everyone lost and confused. If we win, we secure the 2nd place seed. If we lose, 3rd place it is. But it's not final. Semifinals is what will tell us for sure what Greyson's rank will be.

G: Just take deep breaths. Play your best. You're going to do great.

Hugo: Are you getting McDonald's?

G: What makes you say that?

Hugo: I always see you snacking on some fries during the game.

That brings a smile on my face.

G: You want some?

Hugo: Don't tempt me.

Mom knocks on my door, her head poking in my room. "Gael, if you want secured seats at the game, you need to dress now."

"I know, I know," I wave my hand, getting off my bed. "I'll get ready."

G: GTG. Tell Xiao he better get those digs otherwise I'll break into his house and rob him of cake.

Hugo: Yes, ma'am. Will do.

"Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" by Katy Perry blasts from the speakers since Fi's got control of the aux. The windows are rolled down while we all purposefully lose our voices trying to belt out the words in higher octaves.

"Have you talked to Jonah about the game, Fi?" Sierra asks the brunette sitting next to her in the passenger's seat.

Her cheeks turns a little pink, and she clears her throat. "Yeah."

Rowan reaches forward and pokes Fi's shoulder. "What did he say?"

"He's nervous. You know, being setter and all..."

Now it's my turn to ask. "Did you wish him luck?"

"Okay, guys, is this a game of 20 Questions?" Fi looks out the window, letting the wind blow her hair into her face. "Because if it is, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to answer them."

Rowan leans back into her seat. "You know what, Fi, I don't understand why you're so afraid to show your feelings. It's obvious—the blonde boy likes you."

"No he doesn't," Fi shakes her head.

"Ophelia," Sierra scoffs loudly, "as someone who claims to instantly catch the moment of the look of love you're pretty blind when it comes to Jonah Whitlock."

Fi slaps her arm. "Am not!"

Sierra raises her eyebrows at the furious Bartlett girl.

I tilt my head at Fi. "Sierra's not wrong. You're very oblivious. He talks about you, like, all the time."

"He does not," Fi crosses her arms, "...does he?"

I smirk through the rearview mirror, catching her eyes.

"Gael!" she exclaims. "Does he actually?"

"He does," I nod. "Hugo told me so too."

She sinks in her seat, covering her face. "UGHHH, I hate boys."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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