Part 13

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"I can't believe you actually came to work out with me. It's been so long." Changbin said to Han as they walked back to their apartment. "Well I have been thinking about how I should probably start taking care of my health more." Han said. "When have you ever worked out for your health? You can't fool me, you are trying to look good for someone! Who is it?" Changbin said poking Han teasingly. "What is with you and Chan? There is nobody!" Han said defensively. "Ok, well if you aren't seeing anyone, I actually found the perfect person for you and they want to meet you tomorrow night!" Changbin said. "Uh no thank you. I don't want to be set up with anyone again." Han said. "Trust me, you will love them!" Changbin said. "Yeah I just don't want to rush into anything else so soon after Ji-Hye." Han said. Changbin rolled his eyes when Han wasn't looking. "No come on, you have to!" Changbin whined. "No I really don't." Han said bluntly. "Yeah... you kind of do, because I kind of already told them you would..." Changbin said nervously smiling. Han turned to Changbin practically yelling "What is wrong with you?! Why would you tell her I would without asking me?! Tell her that it's off." Han said. "No I can't do that! Come on! Please Han! It's just one date and then you don't have to see them ever again if you don't like them!" Changbin begged. Han was fuming but he didn't see any other choice. After arriving at their front door Han unlocked it before yelling "Whatever! Just send me the address!" He slammed the door behind him before Changbin could walk in. Changbin stood at the slammed door and chuckled to himself as he thought 'Wow, he's so over it already that he didn't even ask her name.'

'Ugh! I should have told Lee Know. Why didn't I tell Lee Know?! He gets jealous easily, he's going to be so mad! I will just go there and end this quickly, explaining to her what happened and that I am sorry that Changbin was so inconsiderate of her feelings.' Han thought to himself as he left to meet the girl at the bbq place Changbin told him to go to. Han walked in and walked straight back and to the right like he was instructed just to see Lee Know sitting there. Han looked around confused as that was definitely where Changbin said his date would be sitting. "Han? What are you doing here?" Lee Know said looking just as confused. "Changbin set me up on a blind date and told me to meet them at this exact table." Han said. Lee Know put his head into his hand as he said exasperatedly "Seungmin set me up and told me to come here." "What? Why would they do that?" Han said nervously looking around again. "They obviously know about us." Lee Know said. "No... there's no way... they don't... they couldn't... How did they figure it out?!" Han said panicking more with each word. "Y'all aren't exactly slick." Seungmin said as he came out from behind the partition to the next eating area. Han and Lee Know whipped their heads to look at him. "Yeah we both saw y'all making out on two different occasions!" Changbin said coming out too. "Making out?!" Han said feeling his cheeks become burning hot. "Changbin exaggerates but I did see y'all on the couch the other night and Changbin saw y'all through the peep hole when y'all got back from the fishing trip." Seungmin said.

Han blushed fiercely and covered his face in embarrassment. Lee Know laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck and said "I don't know what to say." "You don't have to explain yourselves. We are happy for you and wanted you to know that but of course we had to mess with y'all first. You should have seen y'all's faces when y'all figured it out. The panic was priceless." Seungmin said grinning. Changbin wrapped his arm around Han's shoulders saying "Yeah, and I would like to think my little speech to y'all last month got the ball rolling but no need to thank me." "What? What you said made me run out and get a girlfriend!" Han said. "Yeah I knew it would make you run out and get a girlfriend out of panic because of your feelings for Lee Know. I knew you would get a girlfriend and see first hand that it wasn't right for you, leading you right back to Lee Know. I am a genius. Love doctor really." Changbin said dusting off his shoulders confidently. "Yeah like you could predict all that." Lee Know said sarcastically. "Ok maybe I didn't predict it exactly but I knew saying all that would get you two thinking about each other and it did, did it not?" Changbin said. Han and Lee Know looked at each other and Han replied "Yeah it did." "Exactly. I'm practically Cupid." Changbin said. Han and Lee Know rolled their eyes and laughed.

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