Part 8

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Lee Know rented a car for the weekend and went to pick Han up. Han got in to the passenger side and they were on their way to the cabin. When they arrived at the lake they put away all their things and then got their fishing poles and headed out to the dock. It was a nice and secluded cabin where there weren't really any neighbors or at least they were so far away into the woods that you couldn't really see them. They sat on the dock with their lines in the water. "Did you know the only times I have gone fishing is with you?" Han asked. "Really? You must not really like it then, I'm sorry, you didn't have to come with me if it's not your thing." Lee Know said. "I was trying to say I don't usually like it but... you make it fun." Han said. "How do I make it fun?" Lee Know asked. "Well you know how fishing can be kind of boring because you just sit there waiting forever for the fish to bite. But when I'm with you we alway talk and joke and have a good time while we wait so it doesn't feel so long." Han said. Lee Know smiled as he looked away feeling his face begin to blush. The sun came fully out and it started to get hot out there on the dock. Han pulled on the collar of his shirt feeling himself begin to sweat. Lee Know stood up and pulled off his shirt. Han glanced over but then took a double take seeing that Lee Know had his shirt off. Lee Know put his T-shirt around his neck like a towel and Han couldn't take his eyes off of him. His eyes traveled down to Lee Knows abs as he could feel himself begin to sweat even more. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lee Know asked. "Huh? What? I wasn't thinking anything!" Han replied quickly fumbling over his words. Lee Know laughed and pulled down his pants to where he was just standing there in his boxers. Hans eyes just about bulged out of his head. Lee Know walked over and leaned down to Han in his chair. Han's heart was beating a mile a minute and he held his breath as Lee Know got closer. 'W-what is he doing?' Han thought. "Don't be lame." Lee Know said smirking and then ran and jumped off the end of the dock into the lake.

'Ha ha he was talking about swimming...' Han thought to himself as he sighed in relief. "Hey! What are you doing? You can't swim!" Han yelled after Lee Know. "I guess you will have to come in and save me then." Lee Know yelled back playfully. Han laughed and pulled off his shirt and pants too and jumped into the water in his boxers. Lee Know laughed as he said "Its not that deep here, I can touch the bottom." "But the bottom is so gross." Han said scrunching up his face in disgust. "It's better than drowning dummy!" Lee Know said splashing Han. Han laughed and swam away from the shore a little. "Come on, you need to at least learn how to tread water." Han said as he reached out towards Lee Know. "Come out a little, hold on to me and I will teach you." Han added. Lee Know grabbed Han's hand as he pulled him out slightly away from the shore. Lee Know placed his hands on Hans bare shoulders and moved closer to him. "Ok let's work on what to do with your legs first. With your legs straight under you, kick them back in forth quickly in a scissor-like motion." Lee Know did as Han said. "Ok, ok, what's next?" Lee Know asked nervously. "Good, don't get scared, you are going good. Ok next I want you to let go of me and move your arms back and forth in the water with stiff wrists, almost in like a circular pattern with each arm, and don't forget to kick at the same time." Han said. "Let go of you? Are you crazy?" Lee Know asked. Han chuckled a little at seeing the always strong Lee Know be so reliant on him. "It's ok, I will hold on to you until you get the hang of it." Han said as he reached for Lee Knows waist. His hands held on to Lee Knows muscular waist as Lee Know slowly let go of Han's shoulders and moved his arms like Han had directed him. "Look you are doing it!" Han exclaimed. "Yeah! I am! I'm swimming!" Lee Know said excitedly. Han laughed at the cute Lee Know and said "And my hands are just resting, I'm not even holding you up anymore!" "What? You aren't holding me anymore?!" Lee Know said as he got scared and leapt at Han grabbing on to him.

He wrapped his arms around Han's neck and held on for dear life. Han instinctively held Lee Know back around his waist. They looked at each other realizing how close they were. Only a few inches from each other's face, Han suddenly became very aware of their shirtless bodies against one another. He gulped and looked into Lee Knows big brown eyes. Lee Know seemed to be staring into Han's soul. Han snapping back to reality, moved Lee Knows body away from his and swam pulling him back to the shore. "You were doing good, you don't have to be so scared. It's not like I'm going to let you drown." Han said as they walked out of the water and back towards the dock for their clothes. "You're right, sorry." Lee Know said nervously, shaking his wet hair. "I'm going to dry off a bit before putting my clothes back on." Lee Know added as he sat on the wooden dock floor. "Good idea." Han said as he plopped down beside him. Han looked over as Lee Know was slicking his wet hair out of his face. His side view was unreal and Han couldn't help but stare a bit. Lee Know looked over at Han, catching him staring. Han quickly laid back on the dock and closed his eyes to sunbathe. Lee Know smirked at the obvious Han and then caught himself staring at Han's wet body lying next to him. Lee Know cleared his throat and laid back next to Han. They laid there for a few minutes soaking in the rays. Han had one arm draped over his eyes shielding them from the sun and Lee Know had one hand resting on his own stomach. They both moved to rest their arms back down at the same time and their hands touched as they fell against the dock. Han's breath caught in his throat. He looked over to Lee Know to see that Lee Know was already looking at him. Han suddenly sat up saying "The sun is so hot today I think I'm already dry. Come on let's go before we get too much sun, I didn't put enough sunscreen on."

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