Chapter 20: Tomorrow

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You were more exhausted than you had ever been before as you had slipped into a deep sleep that night. Being tangled up in Kid's arms as you drifted off hadn't hurt anything either. You remember thinking about how warm his hand had been weeks ago, and the rest of him was just as comfortably warm.

The small problem with having slept so deep was that you were awake early.

There wasn't the barest hint of light in the sky, and when you came back to bed from your stretch you realized that at some point you and Kid had untangled. Which made sense, otherwise it probably would've been a struggle for you to wiggle out of bed a minute ago.

Your mind wandered to the events of the evening before, heat rushing back up into your face. There was a desperate, needy twitch between your thighs and you realized two things at the same time: You were the only one who got any pleasure last night, and you had a deep craving for more. The two of you hadn't had a chance to talk about such things, and you didn't want to surprise him with anything only to find out it was a bad idea.

People wake up differently, and if Kid had violent reflexes, you could be broken in a really un-sexy way.

But there was no way you were going to fall back to sleep if you didn't take care of yourself. You didn't want to go back to your room, and despite the show you had provided last night, you didn't want to do anything exposed. Nothing would be more mortifying than to have someone walk in to wake Kid.

Climbing back into bed you stayed as far from Kid as you could and still be under the covers. You let your mind wander as your fingers went to work, remembering the things that Eustass had done to you earlier.

The man's mouth was dangerous on multiple levels.

Thinking about him was enough to cause a rush of pleasure and as small sounds of pleasure escape you, his name slips from your lips as the heat fills you up. You weren't struggling with what you were doing, but you realized that you weren't nearly as skilled as Kid at pushing your own buttons, and you were – somewhere in the back of your mind – miffed about that.

Your breath came faster, and you could feel yourself nearing climax. A cold chill slipped down your back, followed by a single, impossibly warm, finger sliding down your spine, curling around the silk bow on the back of your lingerie.

"Mouse." The finger had stopped you, but the voice has nearly frozen you in place. You could feel the bed shift as he moves closer to you. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Trying to... fall back asleep?"

He pulls you to him, your back against his chest. He was already moving your arm away from where you had it before you could answer. His actions were gentle, but you weren't going to be able to struggle against them even if you had tried. He turns your wrist as he raises your arm over your head and licks your fingers.

"Can't sleep unless you masturbate?" He muses, kissing your fingers and then the palm of your hand. The action nearly breaks your brain, and you feel your cheeks going hot.

"Haa, um, I... can, but I couldn't stop thinking about," you swallow as his tongue trails down your arm, sending shivers through your body. "Things."

"Mm, what kind of things?" There was an amused tone in his voice as he nuzzles into the back of your neck, teeth nipping lazily against your skin.

"Things that... you did to me. I mean, hngh," His fingers were sliding up your leg, wandering near places you wanted them to go without granting you the pleasure of it. "You. I was thinking about you, and I got so turned on I couldn't get to sleep." You admit in a rush of words, hiding your face in your hands.

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