Act (14)

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Your Pov

I wish this wasn't true...

The metal bender cops burst into the living room, causing Bolin to raise his arms in fear.

"What are you doing here?" Asami angrily questions the police.

"We have a reason to believe that there's a factory hidden below the mansion."

Asami narrows her eyes. "I think I would've noticed if there were a factory underneath my house. The lies you people come up with just to persecute my father."

"Where is your father?"

"In his workshop, behind the house."

Outside of Hiroshi's workshop, metal bender cops guard the area as they all walk toward the place.

The metal bender cops burst into the workshop to find no one in the room.

"Dad? Hello?"

An officer approaches Aunt Lin. "Chief, the estate's been secured. No one has left the workshop since we arrived."

"Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving."

Aunt Lin walks into the middle of the room with her hands behind her back.

She raises her leg and metal bends her left sole, removing it to expose her bare foot to perform her seismic sense.

"There's a tunnel beneath the workshop running deep into the mountainside."

In disbelief; slightly angrily. "What? There's no tunnel." Asami spoke out.

Aunt Lin looks at the floor and metal bends to remove the metal layer, exposing the stairs and an elevator going down as they walk toward it.

"Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?" Bolin whispers over to Asami.

Asami is confused at the discovery. "I don't understand. There must be an explanation."

"Maybe you don't know everything about your father. I'm sorry." I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort.

Aunt Lin turns to her officers. "Officers, into the tunnel. Be cautious." She points at the stairs as the officers walk toward the stairs.

Mako, Bolin and Asami start walking toward it until they are stopped by Aunt Lin.

"Uh-uh, you three stay up here. Officer Song, keep an eye on them"

Song salutes her as Mako, Bolin and Asami look at the group. "Y/n I think it's better if you stay with your friends."

I hang my head low as Uncle picks up my chin "We won't be long. Please try to understand."

I weakly nod my head as he smiled softly as they walk down, Korra turns her head and looks at us in sadness as Mako turns his head away with guilt.


"What was that?"

"We need to get down there and see what's going on." Mako looks down at the stairs.

"Absolutely not. You're staying put until the chief comes back."

Bolin and Mako look at each other, hatching a plan.

"All right, we'll stay put. But could we wait outside or something? It's so dusty in this workshop." Mako covered his nose as I raised my eye at him.

What are they planning now?

"No! We're waiting right here!"

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now