Pro-Bending Game (3/2)

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Your Pov

I stand in disbelief among Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo watching Korra exhale angrily, clenching her fists, and making another reckless dash at the airbending gates.

She gets into the thick of the gates when she once again slams into one, getting pushed into a spin that ricochets her around several more panels.

"Patience, Korra."

Korra stumbles backward into another panel and falls to the ground. She gets visibly angry and rises into a firebending attack at the gates.

She throws a flurry of punches that unleash fireballs all around her, then lets out a massive attack that explodes outwards and takes out all the spinning panels.

Staring at Korra in total shock. Oh god, she actually burn the panels! 

I slightly turn my head to see my uncle in total shock. 

She is panting for breath, standing in the center of a cloud of a smile while the wreckage of the gates burns around her.

"That was a 2,000-year-old historical treasure..."

His mood quickly changed to frustration.

"What... what is wrong with you?" Korra walked out of the pile of burnt panels.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I've been practicing just like you taught me, but it isn't sinking in, okay? It hasn't clicked like you said it would."

She stares down at the ground " Korra, this isn't something you can force. If you would only listen to me," She clings her fist looking back up at Tenzin.

"I have been! But you know what I think? Maybe the problem isn't me. Maybe the reason I haven't learned Airbending yet is because you're a terrible teacher!" Korra yelled at Tenzin's face before walking off.


Meelo ran up to his father with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah, you're a terrible teacher daddy!" He runs into the wreckage of the gates and starts kicking and throwing pieces around with wild glee.

Tenzin looks down in defeat, but Ikki and Jinora both move as one to solemnly hug him.

"I think it's time for you to have a nap," I grabbed Meelo out of the wreckage of the gates.

"Fine...but tell me the stories about your time in the fire nation!"


Crap! I'm late! I quickly open the locker room doors to look out of the railing to see the game has already begun. To see someone else in Hasook's place.

I rub my eyes to see Korra was in the game. But Bolin and Mako are pushed up against the ropes at the edge of the field.

"They're corralled in the corner, wedged in the edge of zone one, unable to come to the Avatar's rescue."

The Platypus Bears' Firebender and Earthbender throw attacks at Korra. She dodges and blocks them with water whips, while Mako and Bolin take another strong hit of water.

"And boy does she need it."

Korra gets hit and knocked back a zone by a strong blast of water "Looks like the Avatar's Pro-bending debut is going to be cut short," Korra dodges a fireball and actually catches an earth disk in her hands that she throws away, but she is still pushed back.

"She's been pushed back to zone three, and the water is calling her name." Korra skids so that her feet are right up against the back edge of zone three. 

She teeters on the edge, ducking under an earth disk but nearly falling. She steps back into the center of zone three.

 "It's only a matter of time before- "Korra starts circle-walking right in zone three, enabling her to easily step around the Platypus Bears' attacks. 

Her form is perfect, cycling her hands so that they alternate positions, and stepping easily to change direction instantly. 

S-She's actually doing it! She's gotten the movement down like it was nothing!

"Hold the phone, stop the presses, she's still in the game folks, and she's moving like an entirely different player. All of a sudden the Platypus Bearsí strikes are only striking air."

"The Platypus Bears have no juice left," Mako and Bolin are still hunkered down with their arms crossed over their faces defensively.

The latest stream of water doesn't even reach them, slowing midair and splashing to the floor.

"But Mako and Bolin are still fresh and juicy."Bolin is surprised, but Mako immediately goes into action by jump-kicking out a wave of fire.

He lands and pins the middle Platypus Bear with a series of weak attacks, and Bolin quickly joins him and throws an earth disk. 

The other team is pushed back, and the waterbender is even knocked off his feet.

Korra makes a spinning jump that catches an incoming stream of water and throws it right back. 

Mako throws three Fire attacks at his opposite number and knocks him out the back of the field.

The Earthbender Platypus Bear gets hit by an Earth disk, and a water attack knocks him to zone two, then a fire attack keeps him tumbling straight over the edge. 

The Firebender takes a water hit and keeps his feet, but a second stream uppercuts him into the air and over the back edge.

The camera watches from below as he falls into the pool. The bell rings, signaling the end of the round.


I jumped up and down in excitement and happiness for the team. Their dream of going to the finals is finally coming true!

"The Fire Ferrets come from way behind and steal the win! What upset folks! The rookies, Avatar and two, have nabbed a place in the championship tournament. I can not believe it!"

Once they arrived inside the locker room I brought all three of them into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you three! You guys are so close to reaching your dreams!"

"Ahah, we're almost there! Thanks for cheering for us!" Mako ruffled my hair as I noticed a small tint of blush on his face.

"You're welcome and I'm gonna continue to cheer for you guys all the way to the tournament!"

Mako's Pov

Y/n happily walked over to Bolin as Pabu climbed onto her shoulders. She began to pet him while talking to Bolin.

 I guess my feelings for y/n never changed after three years of knowing each other...I-I guess I still have a crush on her.

'Maybe one day...I'll tell her how I feel'

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now