Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!

Start from the beginning

"Okay", Tommy said as he led Clay to the office room.

"That's mom?!" Clay exclaimed once they were in the room.

"Yup. The one and only", Tommy said.

"She looks so much different...", Clay said.

"Yeah, she does", Tommy admitted.

The door opened and Puffy and Foolish came in.

"What is the situation? Why would this be a family related thing?" Puffy asked.

Tommy looked over to Clay. "You gonna or not?" he asked.

"My gods, shut up! Let me take it at my own pace!" Clay exclaimed.

"Nope!" Tommy grinned.

"Absolute gremlin", Clay huffed as Tommy just continued to grin.

Clay took a deep breath and pulled the mask off of his face. "Hi mom..."

Puffy froze in shock. "Clay...? My duckling...?"

Clay stepped forward and hugged Puffy, who hugged her son back, crying.

After that they just talked and eventually Clay stayed until Tommy's shift was over.

"When is your shift over already?" Clay whined.

"Soon, sheesh. You're impatient", Tommy grumbled. This was already the tenth time in the last 3 minutes.

"But I'm bored!" Clay complained.
"Not really my fault", the younger blond shrugged.

"Can you at least turn the TV on?"
"Fine", Tommy grabbed the remote and tossed it at his brother. "There."

"You didn't have to throw the remote at me, you know", Clay said as he caught the device.

The TV crackled to life. It was on a random news channel.

"Huh?" Clay hummed.

Tommy looked up from what he was doing and his eyes widened to the size of plates. "Fuck", he muttered as he scrambled to clean up.

"Clay, get your gear etcetera, we need to go!" he shouted as he ran to the back.

"What? Why?" the older asked as he ran after his brother.

"That thing on the news, it's coming towards the café!"

"Oh no...", Clay muttered as he picked up his hero stuff and put them on.

"Come on!" Tommy grumbled as he fumbled with the lock of the front door. "Finally! Let's go!" he led his brother to the back door, from where they then exited.

"Why the back door?" Dream asked.

"You're a hero Clay! Think!" Tommy said as he quickly put his own hero gear on.

"I know I am hero, but I don't understand why we'd leave through the back door!"

"That thing is quickly approaching the café. Now imagine if it has something to do with a villain! And then a random civilian and Dream rush out of the building through the front door. They clearly have a target on the café for a reason, Dream!" Avian explained.

"Ah, so that was your thought process. Makes sense now", Dream admitted.

"I know, I'm the smartest. Now, follow me, I know a way out of here through the alleys where they won't see us!" Avian ushered.


"Okay, this is where we separate. You go that way, I go this way. Just follow the darkest path and it'll lead you straight to HeroesHQ", Avian said.

"Stay safe Tom, alright?"

"Yeah, will do big man!"

They separated and Tommy pretended to be heading home but turned around to head back towards the café.

He was nearing the café when he heard a grunt of pain.

"I can't believe this...", Tommy muttered as he walked towards the injured villain. "Seriously Siren?! It's the third time already! You gotta be more careful man", the blond scolded the villain.

"Sorry man, no can do. The heroes don't exactly like to keep us villains injury free", Siren grumbled as he clutched his right arm.

"I know, but still! You gotta be more careful! I ain't gon' be here to heal you every time!" Tommy said as he motioned for Siren to let him see the injury. "What caused this?"

"Fucking Sapnap", the brunette said.

"Should've guessed from the burn marks", the blond said as he put his hands over the injury to heal it. "Might sting", he warned.

"Alright. That should be it. Try moving it around."

"Hurts but at least now I actually can move it", Siren said. "Thank you Avian."

"Yeah, no problem", the blond nodded.

"Well, I should head off. I have some people who are most likely very worried by now waiting for me. Bye Avian. And thanks again!" Siren said as he leapt away.

"That's one stupid villain I tell you", Tommy mumbled to himself as he started his walk towards home.


Well, Wattpad chat, you surprisingly don't have much to catch up to. But, because of the voting I will be continuing this here as well as on AO3.
I'm sorry if I disappointed you, but this is the only 'for now canon' chapter you've missed. There is a 'taster', but that is just a little 'ooh&aah' thingy. Just to get some backstory in there.

-Your favourite non-binary author, Lixxie

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