Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!

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They arrived at the bottom floor quite quickly.

"Hello Kristin. Do I need to give you this?" Tommy asked as the brothers walked past the front desk.

"Oh, yeah. I'll make you a proper one and you'll get it tomorrow!" she said.

"Alright. Bye!" Tommy answered as he walked off.

"Uhm, bye Kristin. I'll be back quite late I assume", Clay said as he waved goodbye.

"Tommy, where are you going?" Clay asked as Tommy walked into an alleyway.

"Puffing my geaf on?" Tommy said as he got out his gear, his goggles in his mouth.

"Right", Clay said. "Do you need any help?"

Tommy shaked his head as he got into vigilante gear. "Nope. All done already!" he said.

"Let's go then?" Clay asked unsure.
"Yeah! Let's see if I'm still faster than you!" Tommy said as he climbed up the fire escape ladders and dashed off.

"I'm gonna beat you!" Clay shouted after his younger brother as he lifted himself off of the ground and went after the blond.

"Try me, bitch!" Tommy shouted back.

Tommy ended up winning and Clay ended up throwing up in an allleyway near the café due to the amount of power he had exerted to go faster.
"Just let it out", Tommy tried to comfort his brother while patting the older's back.

"I hate this...", Clay said after he finished throwing up. "I wasn't even lifting anything thrice my size!" he complained as he laid down on the ground.

"Not my fault you're just naturally slow", Tommy shrugged as he put his gear away. "Now, if you've finished spilling your guts, can we go?" he asked.

"I wasn't spilling my guts, I was spilling the contents of them", Clay said.

"Same fucking thing", Tommy answered.

Clay sighed deep, pulling his Dream-mask off completely. "Let's go", he said as he stood up, holding his mask in his hand.

"You sure? I don't want you throwing up on me", Tommy asked.

"Yes, I'm sure Tommy", Clay confirmed.

"Alright, let's go. Before Foolish rains his wrath on me", Tommy said as they walked out of the alley, while Clay put his mask back on.

"Fucking hell with that creepy mask", Tommy shuddered.

"Can't just go around holding it! Would kinda jeopardise my identity", Clay explained.

"Right... It's still fucking creepy", Tommy answered as they stepped into the café.

"Foolish! How late am I?" the blond asked walking to the counter.
"5 minutes...", Foolish said and Tommy gulped. "...early", he finished and Tommy let out a sigh.

"Is mum in the back?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Foolish responded as he looked towards Clay. "Why is Dream with you?"

"Uhh, take a break and come to the back", Tommy said as he led Clay to the back.

"Wha-? Tommy? Why are you-?" Foolish sputtered. "And he's gone..."

"Mum, hi! Hi Bad!" Tommy greeted the two in the back.

"Hi Tommy!" Puffy said as she walked over and greeted the blond with a hug.

"Hi Tommy. Why'd you bring Dream here?" Bad asked.

"Oh, that's um, relating to some family stuff", Tommy said. "So umm, we're just waiting for Foolish."

"Go to my office already. I'll wait for Foolish and come with him", Puffy said.

A vigilante who heals villains, I guess?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum