Chapter 1: The first meeting

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It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


The sun was shining in his eyes as he woke up in his and his friend's apartment. The apartment itself wasn't that bad, but it could've been better too. The stained walls - he didn't know what the stains were, he could only hope they weren't blood- and the worn smell made it obvious that the apartment was cheap. But it was all they could afford.

'Ugh, the sun couldn't be just a little less bright, could it', Tommy thought as he climbed out of his bed to close the curtains.

"Tommy, don't you even dare to go back to bed. I heard the curtains close", someone shouted from presumably the kitchen.

'Of course Tubbo would hear it... With his god damn ram ears...' Tommy thought to himself as he went to the cabinet he stored his clothes in.

"Tommy, for real. If you go back to bed I swear I'm gonna kill your fish!" he heard Tubbo yell again.

"Don't even dare get close to Clementine! I'm not in bed, I'm changing!" Tommy shouted back.

"Guys, please. Not this early..." Ranboo, his other friend, said, who had presumably just woken up.

Tommy, done with changing, walked out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Ranboo where did you put Clem's food?" he asked his tall friend.

"Oh, it's in the cabinet with the snacks", he answered.

"Thanks", Tommy said taking out the fish food and sprinkling some into the tank.

"There you go Clem. Don't go hungry", he said putting the fish food away.

They ate breakfast while going over the things that they had planned for that day. It seems only a shopping trip needed to be made, and it was Tommy's turn.

"Okay, so me and Boo go do our work, you-" Tubbo looked over to Tommy "-go do your work, you also do the shopping, and then we meet up at the city fair at 11pm. Sound like a plan?" he listed.

"It's as much of plan as it'll ever be", Tommy said getting up and putting his plate away, Ranboo following suit.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to go somewhere where we can have fun without worry if we have enough money for it", Ranboo said picking up his laptop carrier and putting his laptop in it. "Besides, we deserve it, don't you guys think? We've been doing quite a lot of work these past few weeks. We deserve a little have-fun-and-take-a-break", he continued slinging his carrier over his shoulder and putting on his shoes.
"Now, Bee you might wanna hurry up, or we'll be late", he said as he got Tubbo's things ready too.

"Oh right, we have the early start shift... Right, I forgot", Tubbo said stumbling up from the table and getting also ready.

"What are you guys talking about, it's 7.30am only. And it's a 5 minute walk there", Tommy said pointing at the clock. "And the early start shift starts at 8am", he added.

Both Ranboo and Tubbo looked shocked at Tommy. Tubbo then looked over to Ranboo, skeptic. Ranboo took a looked at his watch and sighed.

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