Chapter 4: (my Chapter Title Is Too Long)

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Chapter 4: Staying over at a friend proves to be more difficult than imagined and Since I Saw Vienna is sadly good


It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


He was put down in a bed, his hair was ruffled and then he was left alone. He fell asleep fully soon.

"Hi Wil! You're home late", Phil remarked.

"Yeah, hung out with the kid that I told you about", Wilbur answered as he slumped on the couch.

"The one that healed you?" Techno asked.

"Yeah, that one. We went to get fried chicken sandwiches, I walked with him to his apartment, Epoch stopped by, Tommy came out and helped get Epoch away, he fell asleep, and I brought him here", Wilbur explained.

"Wait, you brought him here? Why wouldn't you take him back to his apartment?" Phil asked.

"He had a fight with roommates", Wilbur said.

"Oh, okay then", Phil said.

"Well, now that you're okay with it, where is my extra mattress? I'll be needing it", Wilbur asked.

"It's in the cabin in your study", Phil said.

"Thanks dadza. Night", Wilbur said as he walked back up the stairs.

He got his mattress and brought it into his room. In his room Tommy was already under the blankets sleeping. Wilbur ruffled Tommy's hair one last time before he went to sleep as well.

The next morning Tommy woke up well rested. But when he opened his eyes, he wasn't in his room in his, Tubbo's and Ranboo's apartment. He then remembered that Wilbur offered to let him stay at his place and he had said okay.

He looked down on the floor to find Wilbur already awake laying on a mattress doing something on his phone.

"Good morning..." Tommy said rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Toms! Did you sleep well?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah. Actually, for the first time in a long time I slept good", Tommy said sitting up frowning as he realized he was still in his yesterday's clothes.

"Do you have any clothes I could change into and a shower I could use? I stink and I wanna change clothes. These are sweaty", Tommy asked as he climbed out of Wilbur's bed.

"Sure, I'll look for something you can wear. The shower on my floor is just across the hallway", Wilbur said.

"Wait, your floor? Are there more floors in this house?" Tommy asked surprised.

"Yeah, we have 4 floors in total plus the garage and the basement", Wilbur explained. "Floor 1 is the kitchen, the living room and the just in general lounging area, the second floor is my floor, the third floor is Techno, my brother's floor and the fourth floor is my dad Phil's floor", Wilbur continued.

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