Without disconnecting from Armin's eyes, you could feel the lustful stares of everyone in the room on you. They were captivated by each and every movement.

The most intense look came from Jean with his eyes bore into you with a mix of anger and desperation. You briefly flitted your gaze over to him, shooting a devious smirk in his direction. You couldn't tell how he was feeling about your performance, his eyes giving mixed emotions making you unsure if he wanted to strangle you death or to an orgasm.

When had this sexual tension started between the two of you? Maybe the hatred for each other just rode the fine line between "fuck you" and "i want to fuck you"

Bringing your focus back to Armin, you moved your fingers through his hair eliciting a strained moan from his lips. With a smile, you moved your lips down to his neck, slowly trailing your tongue from his collar bone up to his mouth, leaving prints of red lipstick along your path. "Y/n.." Armin warned, but you didn't let him finish his thought before your lips connected with him. Your plush ones pressing softly against his with hesitation.

His lips moved with yours in slow even strokes, flowing with the rhythm of your hips. Letting out a light sigh, you took the opportunity to flick your tongue against his. As the kiss deepened, your tongue was lost in movement with his and his length pulsing beneath yours.

You might have gone further, even fucked him in the middle of the circle just to prove your point if it weren't for Eren finally speaking up. "Okay Y/n, dare is over." He leaned forward to grab Armins should pulling him out of his trance. He coughed "Anyone else want some water?"

Armin flinched back, gently moving you to the side as he stood to follow Eren "Uh, yeah I'll take some." Red blush dusted his cheeks matching the lipstick smeared across his neck and face. He fled the room, leaving a thick tension in the air behind you. You moved to grab Eren's sweatshirt he left on the couch so you wouldn't have to navigate putting your dress back on.

"I, uh think that's game guys." Sasha said beside you. "I'm gonna head to bed." Everyone stood to follow and went their separate ways, save for you and Jean still sitting on the floor.

Sasha and Mikasa picked up Connie to take him to bed and made their way back in the bedroom to go to sleep while Eren and Armin remained outside.

You took the opportunity to glance over at Jean, but you didn't expect the look painted on his face. A large sinister smile stretched from ear to ear, his eyes closed as he leaned back on his hands shaking his head slowly from side to side. You studied him briefly until he opened his eyes and looked right into yours.

"Bravo y/n. Really have to applaud you for the little show." Leaning his head back you saw as his adams apple bobbed in his neck. You weren't sure if it was the previous encounter with Armin or what, but the air in the room was thick with lust.

Still staring at the ceiling, Jean continued "you play this little game to make yourself feel like you're this tough dominating force, but we all know that isn't true."

"You don't know anything about me, Jean." You spit back, venom lacing your words. You were tired of him acting like he knew anything about you. Tired of him making you feel less than and trying to demean you for no reason.

You stood up and turned to walk towards the stairs to the loft, not realizing Jean was hot on your tail. Once you hit the first stair you were whipped around by his hand on your wrist. You were close – too close. He looked down at you with a sneer on his face

"I do know you, you're not hard to read. You're a bored little rich girl with nothing going on in her life since she has everything she needs handed to her. You're desperate for entertainment, need something to fill the gaping hole in your chest because your uneventful life feels so empty. You're missing something, craving the feeling of someone actually giving a shit. So here you are, running away from your problems at home in search of something you can dump in that chasm to make it complete, but it won't work. You know why?"

Bringing your glare up to meet his, you stepped closer. "Why, Jean? If you're so smart and all knowing, tell me why?"

Electricity zapped between your eyes for a moment until Jean lunged forward forcing you to walk back until you were flush with the wall behind you. Without giving you time for a snappy response, he pushed himself into your space. His mouth was inches from yours as he ran his fingers softly across your cheek. "Because I'm empty too."

Jean pulled back and took one last look at you, your eyes unable to meet his or anything but the floor for that matter, before leaving the stairs and slamming the door behind him.

You found yourself glued to the wall behind you completed frozen in shock over what had just happened. Looking down, you noticed two shadows of feet right out side the door before they disappeared and allowed the light to flicker in while the creaks of the floorboard faded as they grew distant.

What the fuck. What the FUCK.

Once the shock finally wore off, exhaustion coursed through your entire body. You were too tired to think about the events of the night deciding that worrying about them was a task better saved for tomorrow. Taking in a deep breath you opened the door to the main room and made your way to the bedroom where Sasha and Mikasa lay fast asleep.

Laying yourself on the side beside Sasha she was quick to pull you against her in a bear hug you knew you wouldn't be able to get out of. Before you could start to overthink, Sasha's body heat and soft snores lulled you into a deep sleep forcing the overthinking to wait until tomorrow when the promise of a sober mind and an awkward tension awaited you.


Sweet bby Armin. Ty guys so much for reading! Likes and comments always appreciated ofc :)

With love, C

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