"Come...with you?" Confusion was etched across your face.

"Sasha, you can't just invite random people to hitchhike with us. What if she's a psycho murderer? She's sitting in a train station laughing and crying to herself like a crazy person." mullet boy had taken the words out of your mouth, but for some reason hearing him accuse you of being off kilter felt offensive.

"Okay first off, rude. I'm not a murderer. Second of all, if I WAS, I'd be going after you for the snarky comments not Sasha. I mean, there are seven of you and one of me, I should be the one more worried for my safety."

You shot him a glare as you spit your words in his direction. He shot a glare right back at you, then moved his gaze over to Sasha.

"Regardless, I couldn't ask that from you guys. It's such a long way to go and until I'm able to find a bank I would have no way to pay you guys back. I really don't want to inconvenience you. I'm sure I'll figure something out on my own."

You appreciated the offer, and it definitely made you feel safer to travel with them than with whatever other random person you could find. Honestly it was either go with them or call your mom and tell her what happened at this point, which you absolutely did NOT want to do. Either way, it was a huge ask to tag along with them to get you to Paradis.

"I promise we're not murderers. We all go to college together in Paradis actually. We decided to take a road trip across the country before we start sophomore year. Eren's family is totally rich, so his parents let us borrow their RV and stocked it with the BEST snacks. I mean, there's seriously anything you can imagine – salty, sweet, MEAT, really everything." Sasha's eyes glazed over, and you could tell her train of though was no longer on the conversation at hand.

"You know, Sasha may be on to something," Armin stepped towards you tentatively. "We have the extra space in the RV, and you don't really have any other options. I know you don't know us, and we don't know you, but it wouldn't feel right leaving you here to try to figure out a way home on your own." Armin glanced around at his peers, trying to read their expressions and willingness to take you in.

"I was down the moment she agreed with me on the bee people." Connie chimed in.

"Yeah, I'm in too. It wouldn't be right to leave her here by herself. Who knows what kind of creeps are out there." Eren agreed.

His gaze moved over to the sharp gazed girl with black hair beside him. She seemed protective over him, orbiting in his space and never letting herself get too far away.

"Plus, you can take the bedroom with Mikasa and Sasha, so you don't have to worry about any of us guys making you uncomfortable or anything, right Mikasa?"

Hesitation stained her features, but you could see the pleading in Eren's eyes. Were they together? You weren't sure what they're relationship was, but you could tell Mikasa was someone you didn't want to cross.

With a sigh, Mikasa nodded her head in agreement. "I don't think you're a psycho and even if you were, I could take you."

You let out an awkward laugh, not sure if she was making a joke or serious since you couldn't read the emotionless look on her face.

"Me, Mikasa, Eren, Armin and Connie are in. That just leaves you, Jean. SO! What do you say?"

Jean, aka mullet man. He was definitely the most apprehensive about bringing you along from the beginning.

"We don't need another person, especially someone we don't know. She's another mouth to feed, another person to use water and take up space. Plus, I already have to deal with you all bothering the shit out of me I don't need another person getting on my nerves."

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