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|This story does contain drug and alcohol use, mentions of mental illness, and ofc smut ;) please resd at your own discretion. 18+ please! All characters have also been aged up for this story. I do not own Attsck on Titan or any of the characters mentioned in this story. They belong to Isayama and this story does not follow the plot of AOT. Ty for reading!|

Blurry. The only way to describe the events that just transpired was blurry. One minute it's bare backs on sand watching the tide roll in while the sun falls behind the waves. The next, the skyline is bathed in red and blue lights while police tape litters the boardwalk.

In an instant the lens lost focus and the world started moving in slow motion. Numb limbs became dead weight as you were dragged backward through the sand while muffled screams echoed in your ears.

"We have to go, y/n" you heard from beside you, but you couldn't make out who the voice came from.
Your mouth hung slack as the blur faded and your eyes started to find their focus again until the zeroed in on the lifeless figure in front of you before it all blurred again.

"Y/N! Come on baby, I need you to work with me. We have to GO." Suddenly you were off the ground, legs dangling as the body below you trudged through the sand as quickly as they could.
Next thing you knew, everything was black.


"Y/N you can't be serious" your best friend, Annie spoke between bites of pie. As the two of you sat on the blanket lining the snow-covered bench trying to keep yourselves from getting completely soaked.

"Annie, I have to do this. I can't be here anymore. I can't take the pressure anymore I feel like I'm going to combust."

Annie had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. Her chilly demeanor was the perfect match for your overly affectionate personality.

Annie often scolded you for your tendency to become attached to those around you too quickly, calling you too trusting. It wasn't that you trusted too easily, but rather that you craved love from those around you.

Growing up, it was just you, your mom and your older brother. Your father left before you were born, leaving your mother a heartbroken shell of who she used to be.

Your older brother would tell you stories of the kind and loving mother she was to him, but you didn't have the same experience.

When it came to you, your mother was cold. All she cared about was making sure you were on the track she had laid out for you.

College, law school, and then the partner track. It didn't matter that your interested lied elsewhere.

You had always dreamed of following in the footsteps of your father and going to medical school.
Part of you wanted to do something that made you feel like you were making a difference, but the other part of you wanted to feel connected to your father in any way you could.

You didn't know much about him, but from what you were able to pull out of your brother, he was an esteemed doctor in the town of Marley, NY where you had lived your whole life.

He worked in the local hospital by day but was known more for what he did after dark – helping to provide medical care for poor families in the area that couldn't afford care.

He did what he could to help anyone and everyone.
Part of you hated him for leaving you with a mother who couldn't stand the sight of you, but the other part of you craved to know more – to meet the man that your mother saw in you with every passing glance.

That was how you got here. High school graduation had come and gone and tomorrow morning you were meant to be taking a train upstate to Trost University to start your future.

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