The first hour of the trip was spent touring the rest of the RV, getting your few belongings put up in the room you would be sharing with Mikasa and Sasha, and getting to know the group you were traveling with.

You had only brought the outfit you currently wore and 2 changes of clothes along with pajamas, planning to just pick up clothes along the way as you needed them. After all, space in a backpack is limited.

Sasha cleared out a drawer (that she was previously keeping filled with snacks) for you and showed you where you could put your toothbrush in the bathroom.

"Eren's parents stocked us with all kinds of soap, shampoo and other toiletries so you don't need to worry about any of that stuff." Mikasa smiled to you.

You looked to the counter to see all kinds of expensive lotion, hair products, and more. If the camper wasn't evidence enough, this was the icing on the cake. Eren's family was definitely loaded.

Knowing he had money didn't mean much to you, though. You were extremely well off, growing up in the upper echelon of Marley. Your mother practiced law, but she claimed to have "family money" that helped her keep up her status, paying for things like a private chef, tutors for you and only the best of the best designers.

You'd attended the top private school in the state and even there your mother's financial status put you in the top 1%.

You learned that Armin, Mikasa and Eren had been childhood friends, meeting the rest of the group in middle school.

They were all very close and stuck together through high school and decided to attend college together. "We decided to take a big trip cross country together after freshman year and plan to make it a tradition!" Sasha beamed as she spoke.

You could tell they were like a family and jealously brewed in your gut. You had friends back home, but the idea of traveling across the country in an RV with all of them sounded like a nightmare. You were always the friend that felt like you were on the outside looking in, but you could tell no one in this group was treated that way.

"We started doing it this year because we lost a close friend of ours." Eren spoke quietly and a somber expression took over his features. "It was really hard on all of us, especially Jean. Mar- "

"Enough Eren. You don't need to give our whole life story to some stranger. I doubt she cares." Jean snipped from the driver seat.

You could tell by his face that Eren was resisting the urge to argue back, but in the end, he decided to keep quiet and looked down at his phone pulling up Instagram and distracting himself. The look of frustration didn't leave his face until Connie spoke.

"So, y/n, tell us more about you. A pretty girl like you must have a cool story or two." Connie scooted closer to you; the bed now folded up into a regular couch leaving the two of you with shoulders touching.

Man, this guy definitely didn't know personal space, but you didn't mind. You could tell he was harmless.

"There's really not much to tell, honestly. I just graduated high school this past year and was supposed to start at Trost U yesterday but deferred a semester to come out to Paradis. My mom doesn't know that, of course."

Your voice trailed off at the mention of your mother. God she would absolutely lose her mind if she knew what you were doing.

"But why Paradis? I mean, it's cool and all but why go without telling anyone? It's not exactly a fun trip to take on your own." Armin chimed in.

He asked quizzically, but his tone sounded almost accusatory, like he knew there was a deeper reason for your trip.

"I, uh...I'm trying to find my dad. He left before I was born and from what my older brother says, things kind of went to shit after he left. I've always been interested in him, and I figured it was now or never!"

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